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Semester 2 Final (Demography (Rates (Rate of Natural Increase- birth rates…
Semester 2 Final
Subsistence Economy- an economy which relies on natural resources to provide for basic needs, through hunting, gathering
Population Pyramids- Population pyramids are used by demographers as a tool for understanding the make-up of a given population, whether a city, country, region, or the world.
The Economy
Primary Sector- harvesting raw materials like fishing, farming, mining
Secondary Sector- turning raw materials into something with greater value, manufacturing/factories
Economy- a system of production, consumption and distribution of goods and services in a particular geographic region
Human Development Index
Measures income, life expectancy, education levels, grade scale is between 0 and 1, closer to 0 is less developed and closer to 1 is higher
GDP- total value of good and produced, GDP measures production
GDP formula= C+I+G+NX C=consumer spending, I= business spending, G= government spending, NX= Exports-Imports
Pros- Less developed counties will become more developed, create a worldwide market for companies, countries will become more interactive with each other (exchange ideas)
Cons- the environment will be destroyed, rich get richer and the poor get poorer, expoitation of labor to keep prices low
Geographic causes of inequality- in places with tropical climates it is harder to develop because of what types of food can grow, and if everyone is focusing about getting food then there is no time to develop compared to countries that have crops that are easily domesticable they can develop and exploit the countries with less development of their raw materials and people.
DEF- politics especially interaction, relations as influenced by geographical factors
Push and Pull Factors- factors that cause people to leave some place or factors that attract people to another
Refugee- a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster
Political Geography
Physical- separate territory due to natural features (rivers, mountains)
Territorial Waters- coastal states have complete sovereignty up to 12 miles from their shore, countries have the right of "innocence passage"
Contiguous Zone- band of water extending from the edge of territorial waters up to 24 miles off the coast, states caqn exert limited control to prevent of punish "infringements of its customs, fiscal, immigration or sanity laws and regulations within its territory"
Exclusive Economic Zone- 200 miles of territory, that the state has control of all economic resources and pollution.
Median-line principle- If zones overlap, they divide up the water evenly. Split the zones in two.
Geo Basics
Latitude- East, West along the Equator
Longitude- North, South along the prime meridan
Map projections and distortion- distance, direction, shape, and area are distorted on every kind of projection.