Types of the object
a) direct non-prepositional He could make the money easy. Він захоплювався регбі.
The verbs to ask, to answer, to take, to envy, to hear, to forgive take 2 direct objects in Eng. They scare him and asked him many questions. Вони залякували його і задавали йому багато запитань. In Ukr him (йому) indirect.
b) prepositional object - It smelt of food. «Я мушу тримати себе в руках» , - сказала вона сама до себе.In Eng the prepos may be split from the object itself: My car a 1960 Morrts Oxford…that I have been so proud of.
c)indirect object - I know they told me that. Він передав їй папірець.
d)formal object ONLY IN ENG is expressed by the formal pronoun it. We can walk it very quickly – Ми швидко пройдемось(туди)
e)complex object Only in Eng-: the obj with the inf, the obj with the present part, gerundial complexes. If I could only see him laugh once more.
In Eng & Ukr: the obj with the past part complex They found the soldier wounded. Вони знайшли бійця пораненим