Roles and responsibilities within the family
Ephesians 5:21
dignity of work in the home
families with single/same-sex parents
tradition role of mother look after kids and father protect and providing, teaching by word and example
C's regard men and women equally important in contributing diff. qualities in bringing up children, and providing security and stability in the home
today, many mothers go out to work to help provide for the family financially
gender equality has resulted in traditional roles being shared/switched
Catholic teaching
Parenthood in Britain
procreation should take place between married man and women
single people are not encouraged to become parents
same-sex parenting not encouraging
growing acceptance and no. of single parents or same-sex parents
around a quarter of children today live w/ one parent
love between parents and child that really matters
Children should honour their parents, obey them as G commands
Fathers should show love and kindness to children, should bring them up in Christian faith
people should live family lives as if serving Jesus
wives should show love by doing what husband asks
husbands should show love to wives, so much would be prepared to die for them