two different authors addressing the same topic from different perspectives

Peggy McIntosh, "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack"

makes her article seem like a call to action

Public discourse, was published in 1989

her examples make her article more credible because she is then acknowledging her privilege

talks about the privilege white people have

Hasan Minhaj, Homecoming King

Published in 2017 on Netflix, filmed January 2017

Stand-up comedy special, performed in Davis, California

Informs his audience of the racism he faced growing up

Indian Muslim, grew up in Davis, California


refers to Donald Trumps campaign a couple of times because of time period

He speaks of his life growing up, how different life was for him with immigrant parents

speaks of historical 9/11, says he faced so much racism considering he is a Muslim

uses his comical tone to speak of very serious issue, but because it's comical it does not come off too strong


Feminist, anti- racism, founder of SEED

during the time period, people of color did not have much power

speaks of how oblivious white people are to the privilege they have

primary audience was educated white males

gives her examples of her own privilege

want people to acknowledge the privilege they have so that everything can become equal

speaks of why white people might be blind to the privilege they have

says they're taught to their privilege is normal

uses a very formal and serious tone when speaking about the topic

public discourse

uses his position to speak of the topic, he points out white privilege when speaking about a person al experience he had when he was in High School