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The Nazi Domestic Policies (Youth & Education (Nazi Government set up…
The Nazi Domestic Policies
Youth & Education
Nazi Government set up youth groups to control youth in free time; League of German Maidens, Hitler Youth
In 1936, membership to organisations was compulsory
Boys trained to be soldiers, girls trained to be mothers
Youth Movements
"Race Studies" taught Aryan superiority
Mein Kampf
became compulsory school text
Propaganda fed into all subjects; subliminal conditioning
PE took up 1/6 of school time
Girls had compulsory home ec. lessons
Teachers had to join the Nazi Teachers' League and swear an oath of loyalty to Hitler
Attended rallies, camps
Some parents disliked kids being taught to be ultimately loyal to Nazis; many were reported on by kids to the Nazis, etc.
Some young people rebelled; eg. Edelweiss Pirates; 13 hanged for death of Gestapo chief
Racial Policies
Focused around persecution of minorities
Sterilization, incarceration, medical experimentation, brutality, murder
Aryan master race
Concentration camps, 85% of Germany's gypsies died in these during WW2
Policies That Specifically Targeted Jewish Population
Stage 1: Persecution
Boycott of Jewish businesses
Banned from government jobs/army/restaurants/inheriting land
Stage 2: Removal Of Rights
15 September 1935, Nuremberg Laws
Jews lost right to vote/German citizenship/marriage to Germans
1938, restrictions increased
Jews forbidden to work for Aryans
Jews had to carry 'J', wear Star of David or have identity cards
Jews had to register all possessions
Stage 3: Violence
7th November 1938, Hershel Grynzpan shot and killed Ernst von Rath
Result was a storm of attacks/arrests on Jews
9/10th Nov, Kristallnacht. Gangs smashed up Jewish properties and attacked Jews & SS/SA arrested Jews
At least 100 Jews were killed
By 12 Nov, 20,000 Jews sent to concentration camps
Jews blamed; fined 1bil marks, banned from businesses/schools/universities
In April 1939, Jews evicted from homes
Stage 4: Mass Murder/Violence
Ghettos; 1942, 50,000 Jews died in Warsaw Ghetto
Concentration camps, built in 1933, had 80,000 prisoners by end of war
Einsatzgruppen, SS death squads, killed 1.5mil Jews, gypsies, communist leaders
Death camps
Wannsee meeting and Final Solution; 1941-42
Nazi and Christian ideologies did not agree
At first Hitler tried to get Christian churches to work with the Nazis, but this didn't work
Hitler turned the full force of the police state against Christians
The Catholic Church
Owed first allegiance to Pope, not Hitler
Had own schools, taught different values from Nazi schools
July 1933, Concordat with Pope; Hitler agreed to not intefere with Catholic worship/schools. Roman Catholic Church agreed priests would not intefere with politics/would swear loyalty to the Nazis
1930s, Hitler didn't keep promise: Catholic priests arrested, schools closed, youth activities (eg. Catholic Youth League) banned
The Protestant Church
First, Protestants accepted Nazis (Nazi flags in churches), protestant pastors who supported Hitler were allowed to carry on with church services)
Opposing; eg. Pastor Niemöller, set up Pastors' Emergency League (PEL) to campaign against Nazis
1937, Niemöller sent to conc. camp and PEL banned
German Christian Church supported Hitler
Criticised Nazi regime
During Weimar Republic, women were given freedom to do as they chose, vote, pursue careers, more 'modern women'
Nazis: Traditional values
Three Ks; "Kinder, Küche, Kirche" (children, kitchen, church)
Some professional women were forced to leave their jobs (doctors, lawyers, teachers)
Policies to increase marriage/childbirth
1933, Law for Encouragement of Marriage. Loans of 1000marks provided for young couples to marry if wife left work. Could keep parts of loan if they had kids
The Mother's Cross encouraged large families. Award given to women depending on number of kids they had
Lebesborn; 1935 by Heinrich Himmler.
Specific Effects/Oppostion/Unhappiness
Fewer women working in late 1930s than early 1920s
Freed up jobs for men, reduced unemployment
Some women opposed new policies, saw that they encouraged men to see women as inferior
Even sons laughed at mothers, less respect for women
Trade unions banned in 1933
Hitler's German Labour Front (DAF) replaced T. Unions, controlled workers AND employers. Increased working hours, decreased wages, punished workers
DAF established working standards, prevented serious exploitation of labour by employers
To reduce unemployment, Nazis set up RAD, National Labour Service in 1933
1935, made compulsory for young men to serve 6 months
Men in RAD were trained like soldiers, worked in fields and built public buildings, autobahns
Gave men work and improved Germany's infrastructure
1933, Strength Through Joy, controlled workers in their free time. Organised activties and vacations for workers
Also provided employment in industries related to rearmament, which was secretly happening
Employment only expanded by removing women, Jews, etc from jobs
Unemployment fell from 4.8mil in 1933 to 1.6mil in 1936
Policies Towards Workers
Policies To Reduce Unemployment