Irish Plantations

4 plantations were set up in the 16-17 century

  1. The Pale- Henry III- small success
  2. Laois/offaly- Mary Tudor -mass failure
  3. Munster- Elizabeth I- mass failure
  4. Ulster- James I- huge success

They were set up because..

  1. To make Ireland Protestant
  2. To prevent Ireland's allies from attacking England
  3. To expand their religion

Religion of all planters- protestant

planters came from..


Undertaker- in charge

Tenant- a worker ( some tenants
were murderers+some were
R. Catholic in a protestant plantation

Servitor- ex soldier

Woodkerne- the Irish

Plantation Towns

  • Belfast

Plantations 2+3 failed because...

  • Woodkerne attacked
    -poor quality undertakers+tenants
  • limited supplies e.g weapons

Describe defences in a plantation town

  • a well
    -easy+straight roads

1641 Revolt

who revolted?

  • Woodkerne attacked planters


  • 23rd October 1641


  • longs term= failure, NI is protestant
  • short term= success

Their reason?

  • because planters took their land

Ulster was a success

  1. King James made sure

the plantation had enough money

  1. They had weapons
  1. enough protestant planters+ undertakers
  1. The flight of the Earls left good land