Reliability The consistency of a research study or measuring test
Internal Reliability - Consistency inside the study
External Reliability - Whether the findings are consistent outside the study
Overcoming Issues
Overcoming Issues
Behaviour is only measured once - the test may not measure behaviour consistently at other times
Within the measure - if a measure has more than one question or item, are they consistently measuring the same thing
Thoroughly train researchers to ensure researcher consistency
Inter-Rater Reliability - carry out a pilot study on the same participants, if the researchers are in 80% or more agreement then they are consistent
Ensure tests are designed in relation to measuring behaviours, attitudes etc. beyond one setting or time
Test-re-test - the same participants repeat the same test at another time to show consistency
More than one measure - if more than one test is used is there consistency within the challenge of each
More than one researcher - is there consistency in how they interpret the behaviour/carrying out the study
Standardise the measures - ensure they are of the same difficulty
Standardise procedures to ensure researcher consistency
Pilot different measures on the same participants without changing the conditions and then compare their scores to ensure consistency
Split-Half Method - measure participant behaviour using the 1st half of the test, then check consistency by checking if the scores in the 2nd half are similar
Standardise each item or question within the study
Clearly operationalise variables - this means there is less room for different interpretations