Intelligence Development

What is intelligence?

Measuring Intelligence in Children

Practical and Other Issues


Unitary of Factorial

Cognitive vs intelligence development

Sternberg et al


Verbal intelligence

Problem solving

Practical intelligence

Lay Person

Verbal ability

Social Competence

Practical problem solving ability

No single way to define

Rational - judge and reason well

Abstract thinking

Objective measures

Developed measure

Cognitive ability

Cog = rational process, capacity (individual processes)

Inte: performance, products (compares individuals)

Intelligence Quotient

Index of performance on standardised test relative to others

Change over lifespan - experience/training

Proxy measure

Measured with normal distribution

Unitary = Single capacity/ability

Francis Glaton

Charles Spearman

John Raven

John Caroll

Johnson et al

Factorial = Different independent types of intelligence




7 Factors - Primary mental abilities

Verbal meaning, word fluency, numerical reasoning, spatial, perceptual speed, memory, inductive reasoning

Multiple Intelligences

Don't have intellectual capacity but can perform in other areas

Triarchic theory

Information processing, experience and context

Emphasis on different aspects


Emotional intelligence

Relevant for leadership, human interaction

Bayley Scales of Infant Development


Wechslet Scales

Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children

Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices

Predict academic achievement (adapt circumstances)

Predict job success

Assess general adjustment and health (+mental)


Application = time-consuming - account fatigue (Experimenter and Ps)

Choice of test based on reasons for testing and needs/context of child

Reactions = as important as the outcome

IQ says nothing about circumstances

Infants 1m - 3.5y

Different tasks for different ages

Derives from developmental quotient

Use = assess risk of abnormal development

Cognitive - looking for fallen object Language - naming objects and pictures Motor - sitting

2y - Adult

Introduce mental age concept

IQ = Mental age/chronological age x 100

Identify children in need of special education

Reasoning - verbal, quantitate, abstract visual, STM

Non verbal - culturally fair

If failed then taught - avoids failing due to unfamiliarity

Information processing skills: Sequential processing, simultaneous

Based on Spearman's general factor

Assess analytic ability

Little verbal ability

Assess performance and reasoning in psychological disorders

Children and adolescents versions


Verbal scales: general information, comprehension, arithmetic, similarities, vocabulary, digit span

Performance scales: picture completion, picture arrangement, block design, object assembly, coding, mazes, symbol search

6y - 16y

Dependent on verbal ability - challenging for non-native

Identify learning difficulties

Scores = verbal, performance, full scale


Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence

Wechseler Intelligence Scale for Children

Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale

WPPSI-IV - Verbal, Performance, Full Scale

WISC-V - Verbal, Comprehension, Visual Spatial< Fluid Reasoning, Working Memory, Processing Speed Indexex