The roaring 1920's (2)
How was prohibition enforced?
Roaring 20's
time of riotous fun, loud music and wild enjoyment when everyone was having a good time
Time of turmoil for many Americans
For those who "joined the party" time of liberation and rebellion against traditional values
For those who didn't it was a time of worry and anxiety
Decade of contrast
Members of temperance movements agreed not to drink alcohol and campaigned to get others to give up alcohol
Most members
Christians who saw the damage alcohol did to families
wanted to stop the damage
19th century two main movements
Anti-Saloon League
Women's christian Temperance Union
Were so strong in rural areas that they persuaded their state government to prohibit the sale of alcohol within the state
Who backed it up? (dries)
Leading industrialists
believed that workers would be more reliable if they did not drink
got them votes in rural areas
By 1916, 21 states had banned saloons
Drinkers were accused of being unpatriotic cowards
Most of the breweries were run by German immigrants who were portrayed as the enemy
After Russian revolution
the dries claimed that Bolshevism thrived on drink and that alcohol led to lawlessness in the cities
Particularly in immigrant communities
were seen as dense of vice that destroyed family life
Becoming law
In 1917 the movement had enough states on its side to propose the 18th Amendment to the Constitution
This prohibited the manufacture, sale or transportation of intoxicating liquors
1920 became law known as the Volstead act
Lasted from 1920 - 1933
Levels of alcohol consumption fell by 30% in 1920's
Gained widespread approval in some states particularly rural areas in the mid-west
The government ran info campaigns and prohibition agents arrested offenders
Isadore Einstein
Moe Smith
They made 4392 arrests
They would enter speakeasies (illegal bars) and simply order a drink
Einstein had a special flask hidden inside his waistcoat with a funnel attached
He preserved the evidence by pouring his drink down the funnel and the criminals were caught
Why was prohibition ended?
St. Valentines Day Massacre was a turning point
Prohibition had made USA
police corrupt
gangsters rich and powerful
Legalizing alcohol
Would create jobs
Raise tax revenue
free up resources tied up in the impossible task of enforcing prohibition
The Democrat President Franklin D Roosevelt was elected in 1932 and prohibition was repealed in 1933
Mostly women bcs. men were spending money on drinking and arrived home and beat women
Approved in most rural areas
enforcement was underfunded
1 prohibition officer for every 1000 ppl
In Canada alcohol was legal and the border was to big to control
Unintended consequences
Breweries bribed government officials
Police officers took bribes
Judges took bribes
Took all illegal alcohol trade
made estimated 2 000 000 000
most were power immigrants
Violence among rival gangs
1926 Chicago
130 murders
Al Capone
well loved by community
St Valentine's day Massacre
Main reasons
voting moral values
german brewery
christian beliefs
women getting beaten
industries wanting workers to not be drunk
making world better place
took over alcohol
famous(celebrity) everyone knew who he was and what he did
never caught for the murders
caught for taxes instead
died in prison
ppl wanted to drink
great depression
lost of jobs
now you could tax alcohol
Alcohol consumption fell 30%
19th century in rural areas there was a strong temperance movement
had to change tactics
too much money being spent
ppl were still drinking
sin tax
price rises bcs. taxes rise
now ppl don't buy as much, don't drink as much