Catholic Church/Counter Reformation

Jesuits and Ignatius Loyola

Baroque and the Counter Reformation

Lectures and Objectives

Council of Trent

REFORMATION of Church Practice: The quality of priests increases and Seminaries are made

During the Protestant Reformation, the doctrine of transubstantiation was heavily criticized as an Aristotelian

Affirmation of Catholic Doctrine: Scripture is the Foundation of Catholic Doctrine and there must be respect for Precedent

The doctrine of "Sola Scriptura" was rejected at Trent.

In 1521 St. Ignatius Loyola suffered a wound in battle with the French

Jesuits means the society of Jesus and is led/founded by Ignatius of Loyola

St. Ignatius Loyola was one of 13 children in his family

Loyola was a knight who converted to a priest and he believes there is fight between good and evil

Baroque is the opposite of Protestant religion

The Catholics believe God is in the Church with you and you can feel his presences

The Catholic Church wants to remind you of god every where you are in there church so they chose Baroque

The Catholics thought the best way to attract people was baroque to reel them in

  1. The Council of Trent (1545-1563) examined how the Catholic Church would reform for the better. It played a vital role in revitalizing the Roman Catholic Church in many parts of Europe.
  1. The baroque art, music, and architecture style was adopted by the Catholic Church to bring out the strong emotions of the Christian faith.
  1. The Catholic Church responded to the Protestant movement with the Counter Reformation.
  1. The Catholic Church formed a new order called the Jesuits led by Ignatius Loyola and emphasized education.

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St. Teresa of Avila reforms the modalities where the nuns are.

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