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(Fighting for the Third War (Setting the Stage- Following the WWII the…
Fighting for the Third War
The third worlds were located in Latin America, Asia and Africa. They were economically poor and politically unstable
They also suffered from ethic conflicts, lack of technology and education. Each needed a political and economic system around to which build it's society.
The Third World
Setting the Stage-
Following the WWII the worlds nations were grouped politically into three "worlds."
Industrialized capatilists- The United Sates & its allies
Communist nations led by the Soviet Union
Developing nations who were often independent and not aligned with either superpower.
The US, Soviet Union and China all used a variety of techniques to gain influence in the Third World.
They backed wars of revolution, liberation, and counterrevolution. The US and Soviets engaged in various covert, or secret activities.
The United States gave military aid. built schools, set u programs to combat poverty and sent volunteer workers to many developing nations.
Should the US sometimes engage in assassination?- I do not think so, I think they should remain neutral and keep focusing on the better good.
Many developing nations also needed assistance. They became important players in the Cold War competition between the US, Soviet Union and later, China.
Some nations such as India, Indonesia, were able to obtain their neutrality.
In 1955, Asia and Africa hosted many leaders at the Bandung Conference. They met to form what they called a "third force" of independent countries, or nonaligned nations.
Bandung Conference
Why was it hard for some nations to remain non aligned?- They could have been a target for some since they didn't necessarily have someone to side with. They had no help if they were to ever need assistance.
Confrontations in the Middle East
The US Supports Secular Rule
1950's - The US helped modernize Irans capital, Tehran, and it now has skyscrapers, banks, modern factories, etc.
Many citizens were still in poverty
the Shah tried to weaken the Muslim leaders, ayatollahs, political influence; leaders opposed Western influences
Ayatollah Ruholla Khomein, (leader of the religious opposition, lived in exile
1979 - Iranians rioted in every major city after hearing Khomeini's recorded messages
The Shah left and the triumphant Khomeini returned to establish an Islamic state
Iranians Riots
Khomeini's Anti-US Policies
There was hatred to the US from support to the Shah
1979 - a blessing helped young revolutionaries seize the US embassy in Tehran
More than 60 Americans were held hostage and the Islams demanded the US force the Shah to face trial
The Americans were held hostage for 444 days before being released in 1981
Khomeini encouraged muslim radicals to other throw their secular governments
This policy was intended to unify muslims, but it heightened tensions between Iran and Iraq
1980- Wars broke out against Iran and Iraq
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The Iran Hostage Crisis
Q:Was Communism the cause of the ouster of Shah Pahlavi from Iran?
A: Millions of Iranians still lived in extream poverty even though the capital had skyscrapers, big bamks and modern factories.
Religious and Secular Values Clash in Iran
Islamic values and modern Western materialism were clashing with the oil industry
Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi (Iran's leader) embraced Western Governments and wealthy Western oil companies
Nationalists in Iran resented the foreign alliances and united together under Prime Minister Muhammed Mossadeq
1953 - The Shah were forced to flee after a nationalized British-owned oil company was made
The US helped restore the Shah to power after fears of them turning to Soviets
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Shah Mohammed
The Superpowers Face Off in Afghanistan
Afghanistan maintained independent from Soviet Union and the United States.
In 1979 a soviet Invasion was led by a muslim threatning to topple Afghanistan's Communists regime.
The soviets wee expected to withdraw, but instead the soviets found themselves stuck.
Supplying American wepons, the Afgan rebels, called holy warriors fought on.
The U.S. had amred the rebels becasuse they considered the Soviet invasion as a threat to the Middle East oil supplies.
Jimmy Carter warned the Soviets against any attemot to gain control of Persian Gulf
He stopped the U.S. grain shipments toe the Union and orders a U.S. boycott becasue he wanted to protest an invasion.
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Jimmy Carter
Q:Could the United States have gained Komeini’s support by withdrawing aid to the Shah?
A: The leader of the Muslim Movement that uprose against the Shah in Iran.
Confrontations in Latin America
Cuba ruled by unpopular, US backed, dictator, Fulgencio January of 1959.
Fidel Castro takes over, originally brought reforms to Cuba, eventually became dictator
Castro took American mills, US placed embargo on Cuban trade, Castro looked to Soviets for help.
US invaded Cuba in "Bay of Pigs" and lost embarrassingly.
Nuclear Face off: Cuban Missile Crisis
Russia noticing Bay of Pigs incident, expanded missile bases in Cuba
JFK saw these as a threat, demanded Cuba remove them, and announced a naval blockade.
Soviet Leader, Kruschev, promises removal of missile bases as long as US does not invade Cuba.
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What did the Cuban Missile Crisis reveal about the policy of the United States?
The US was determined to rid the spread of communism by all means.
How did the US policy towards Cuba backfire?
After US put embargo on Cuban trade they turned towards Soviets for assistance.
Suspended elections, jailed those against him, and executed opponents
Rapid population growth and gap between rich and poor caused Latin Countries look to super powers for help
American Businesses backed leaders who protected US interest, but neglected their people
Soviets and United States supported latin countries militarily and financially.