The American Dream must be revised into something that will work without our acting like an empire.

Premise - The American Dream is something that has been multifaceted and can be interpreted in many ways

Evidence - "The dream has a resonance..."

Premise- Other Countries have had dreams that are similar to what we call the American dream - to have a better life

Premise - Many countries (like America and Rome) have built their dreams from expanding their empire or taking things from other people

Premise - The American dream cannot continue as it currently is because the American Empire cannot grow as it has - or continue to force it's will on others

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In the feudal south "aspiration jostled alongside oppression"

Roman Empire - Cicero

France and China "Han dynasty"

Evidence - "American dream ... better life"

Evidence - Puritans and religion

Evidence - Racial Equality

Settlers had a dream of economic growth

"dreaminess is relative and contextual

Opera Winfrey and Obama

mayan culture

Evidence - "Who among us has not reassessed our priorities in the aftermath of setback"

The question may be how resilient the dream is...

Government is legitimate if it provides a level playing field of dreams

The American dream is more of a Cultural than a political construct

Early Settlers

Racial justice

soviet union

Julius Ceasar