AuckLand Zoo1

items we need

what to ask the people in the zoo

who we are asking





how much to get in to the zoo to ask the ranger our question

what's the purpose of us being there


what time the bus gets to school and when it leave's







reptiel keeper

lion keeper

zoo keeper

ranger for question

the zoo

the ranger takes care of most the animals


how do get your animal's

if you run out of food what do you guy's do

how do you keep your animals alive for that long

how do you keep your animals healthy

where do you get your animals

how do you get the temperature right so that the animal's don't get too cold or too hot

how do you know when one of the animal's are sick or not

how do you contain the animal's like if the animal went wild

If you got 100,000,000$ what will you do to help or improve the zoo?

mammal keeper

what are we going to ask the ranger

Sun block

hello my name is Zulfi and i like playing Fortinite and fortnite is a game that has exploded with so many people playing and it is a lot of fun, i like playing soccer and i like finding out new things new things and my favourite food is any kind of food i like all the foods accept for sushi

Hello my name is Kaichi and i am 10 years old and i go to stonefields school and i am half Japanese/Kiwi and my Fav game is fortnite and minecarft and i love going to Rainbow-end my fav food is sushi and my fav sports is Rugby Cricket and swimming.

hello my name is clayton and i am 10 years old i go to stonefiedls school and i like playing fortnite and playing touch rugby and all kinds of sports and i like trying new stuff also i like watching anime and my favorite boy band bts

Hi my name is Lundan I am 11 years old and I wish to interview you to find facts out for our school. I like to play sports and video games like GTA 5 and Fortnite. I am from south Africa and I am part dutch and German.


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