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MODULE 4: TANDEM PROJECT :pencil2: (P E R S O N A L - O U T C O M E (To…
The main objective of this project was to face and solve all the cross-cultural challenges that will arise in the implementation of a realistic multicultural assignment
This project was about experimenting Cross-cultural Management by working together in a multicultural context and deliver the same final product
H O W - D I D - W E - D O ?
We had our first virtuel meeting where we both did a 'break-the-ice'-activity and conducted our teamroles
Afterwards we had meetings where we conducted our project with the object 'Masculinity vs. Femininity'
In the end we created a poster that showed our conclusions from the group work
M A S C U L I N I T Y - V S - F E M I N I N I T Y
This dimension focuses on how extent to which a society stress achievement or nurture
Masculinity is seen to be the trait which emphasizes ambition, acquisition of wealth, and differentiated gender roles
Femininity is seen to be the trait which stress caring and nurturing behaviors, sexuality equality, environmental awareness, and more fluid gender roles
P R O F E S S I O N A L - O U T C O M E
The scores in this segment was as follows:
• Columbia: 64
• Belgium: 54
• Vietnam: 40
• Denmark: 16
Since there is a gap between the two first countries and Denmark it can have some challenges on business
Different attitudes towards gender-equality
A company with a masculine culture operates assertively and competitively, and a company with a feminine culture comes across as more modest and caring
P E R S O N A L - O U T C O M E
To be able to lead a team online
To be able to communicate despite cultural differences
To be able to find consensus even though we didn't sat together physical
To be able to understand how culture have an impact on the way we work in groups and all in all