ICC stands for 'Intercultural Communication Compentence'

In order to define ICC it is necessary to define the following:
• Culture
• Corporate Culture
• Cross-Cultural Competence

First of all, culture is defined by different keywords:
• Art
• Attitudes
• Beliefs
• Language
• Customs
• Rituals
• Behaviour
• Religion
• Food

The iceberg can show is the difference between the visible and invisible aspects of culture:
cultural iceberg_n


Definitation ⭐

Can be looked at as the ''collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from another''

Culture is also believed to be inherited in which we share memories, metaphors, maxims, rituals, traditions, beliefs and myths.

Culture can also be suggested as being a mix of 3 elements:
• Civilization
• Behaviour and speech patterns
• Discourse structures and skills

C O R P O R A T E - C U L T U R E

Definitation ⭐

In today’s business world, we will all end up working in corporate cultures and therefor it's important to understand corporate culture in order to be able to work in a efficient way

Corporate culture in a pyramidal structure with 3 different levels.
• Rules and processes
– visible part of this iceberg
• Beliefs, norms and values
– background information according to which actions are performed
• Organization starting point
– state of the mind of the person who started the business

Company culture means all the ways of thinking, feeling and acting which are common to the members of a same organization

Company culture refers to the following keywords that are common in to the people working in the same organization:
• Norms
• Attitudes
• Business customs
• Beliefs
• Common values

C R O S S - C U L T U R A L - C O M P E T E N C E

Refers to the knowledge, skills, and affect/motivation that enable individuals to adapt effectively in cross-cultural environments

Although some aspects of cognition, behavior or affect may be particularly relevant in a specific country or region, evidence suggests that a core set of competencies enables adaptation to any culture (Hammer, 1987).

So... What is ICC?

Intercultural competence is to a large extent the ability to cope with one's own cultural background in interaction with others

It requires certain attitudes - including curiosity and openness as well as readiness to see other cultures and the speaker's own without being judgmental

To secure success in ICC one should develop the following competences:
• Awareness
• Attitudes
• Skills
• Knowledge and language proficiency

It also necessary to be able to show:
• Respect
• Empathy
• Flexibility
• Patience
• Interest
• Curiosity
• Openness
• ….

D A N I S H - C U L T U R E


Welfare state -> Belgium has a very extensive social security system

Humour is another essential element. To many Danes, humour and irony are closely linked -> Humor as a part of Belgian culture as well

Music festivals -> very common in Belgium as well

Self irony

The word 'hygge'