Natural Language Processing
Sub-field of Artificial Intelligence intended to build computer with rational response capability
Makes computer learn our language rather than we learn their
Process information contained in natural language text
Also known as Human Language (HT) or Computational Linguistics (CL)
In Second World War, for Machine Translation Resources
Now used in every sector such as labs, industry, etc
Handling large amount of data
The program helps to recognize the speech or texh
Ususl NLP methods
Navive Bayes
Markov models
Neural networks /Deep learning
Steps in Natural Language Processing
Morphological Analysis
Syntactic Analysis
Semantic Analysis
Discourse Analysis
Pragmatic Analysis
suggestion after analyzing every single word
suggestion made based on the grammatical structure of the sentence
filter and suggest sentence with meaning
it relates the preceding and following sentences and then suggestion is done
it understands the purpose of the sentence and then suggestion is done
Major areas of research and development
text processing
Morph Analyzer
POS tagging
Machine Translation
Text to Speech
Automatic Speech Recognition
Speech to Speech Translation
Future of NLP
Semantic Web/Search
Sentiment Analysis
Social Network Analysis
Collective Intelligence