Summer 2018 Graceful Transition Based On Unconditional Love

Sign Smoothly & Serve Clients Powerfully

Move out of Scott's Home with Grace & Ease

Complete All Financial Contracts with Scott




Educate myself on the Prosperous Coach process

Do all Apprenticeship homework promptly and fully

Journal about collapse moments when speaking with potential clients

Make appointment with Allison to release Michael's trauma about needing Mom to parent him

Move to deeper acceptance through journaling that it's ok for me to have needs.

Move to deeper acceptance through journaling that it's ok for others to have needs and that it may or may not be appropriate for me to meet their needs at any given time.

Learn shielding from La'ne Saan

Ask Kelly about Anna Lisa's approach to shielding

Work on coaching blocks in general with Trevor

Pray for clarity and clearing of coaching blocks

Ask Sistermind to pray for clarity and clearing of coaching blocks

Do a Love ceremony to honor and love up the part of me who works so hard to keep me safe my whole lifetime.

Journal about feelings of needing certifications like I did in corporate aerospace

Get clearings from the right person regarding feelings of needing certifications

Set dates to complete book reading and video watching

Decide where to take notes

Do shadow work fully from Enneagram Immersion

Make appointment with Sue to release Michael's trauma about needing Mom to parent him

Show up as the best version of me in TLG

Schedule time to do these things in my calendar


Look for places to live on Craigs List at least weekly

Talk to Scott about moving out



Pray for as good or better place to live daily and relax into trusting that

Lean heavily into co-creating, with Source, a felt sense of safety for myself

Do ceremony to surrender all criteria for when and how I'll move out

Create criteria for next place to live and add to manifestation list

Do shadow work from Enneagram Immersion on the path to co-created, with Source, sense of safety




Pray for guidance, clarity and support for next right steps

Journal for clarity on releasing 100% responsibility for this and Great Mother pattern

Schedule with Trevor to remove any blocks to receiving finances

Schedule with Sue to remove any blocks to receiving finances

Sign 2 clients @ $25k in May

Sign 4 clients @ $50k by COB September

Do anything necessary to further AD being licensed, sold or invested in

Update Finances section of manifestation list

Do psychic marketing for Spiritual Guidance sessions

Put YNAB time in calendar weekly with Scott

Journal about being so reactive about Scott's money management style

Journal about charged feelings around this situation

Send out feelers for energy workers who deal with money spaces

Ask Kelly about how she speaks to people about potentially working with her for paid Spiritual Guidance




Figure out time management and set up calendar

Pray for guidance and support daily

Make altar for 90 Day Holy Shit goals

Journal about feeling inadequate/self worth

Use Strategic Coach tools!

Journal about feelings regarding each team member and my care

Schedule a video conference with each person at 30, 60 and 90 days

Set up a document for each employee and add test results

Find out birthday of each team member and add to calendar

Give the Languages of Appreciation in the work place assessment to each team member

Journal to determine how I will show up in a succinct phrase

Determine the best way to track what tasks and what overall goals I'm working towards each day, week and quarter

Take 90 day goals and work backwards to formulate a plan, with the team

Learn to use the communication tools well

Make appointment with energy worker to clear feelings of inadequacy/self-worth

Create & Maintain Radiant Health




Work on treadmill as much as feels wonderful!

Ensure new home has room for bedroom, tread desk and yoga spot

Do yoga daily

Get outside daily

Continue manifesting "My body is in tip top shape! It exists at ~20% body fat and is muscular and flexible."

Seek healing from La'ne Saan for my hearing

Seek healing from Trevor for my hearing

Learn how to run sex energy appropriately

Talk with Kelly about being in my body

Journal about resistance to this in general

Pray for healing around feeling comfortable in my body

Begin Somatic Trauma Release program ASAP

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