Working Memory Model

Phonological loop

Immediate serial recall

Word Length Effect (Baddeley et al. 1975)

Phonological similarity (Baddely, 1966)

Articulatory suppression (blocked)

Welsh digit span (Ellis & Hennelly 1980)

Mandarin faster (Stigler et al., 1986)

Irrelevant speech effect

students and background music (vocal or inst) vs silence (Salame & Baddeley, 1989) immediate recall of 9 vis presented items

Visuospatial sketchpad

Image scanning

Mental rotation (Shepard & Metzler, 1971)

people scan visual imagery in VSS. learn map with 7 locations. move from one location to another. response time increase with distance. (Kosslyn et al. 1978)

Central executive

N-back test

Tower of Hanoi (move from left to right peg, tracking and planning)

Stroop task

2 modes of control: Automatic and supervisory attentional systems


Interaction of WM with LTM? e.g. phonological loop has limited store (unrelated words 6) bt ppl can routinely rmbr unrelated words (15016) - chunking (needs interaction with LTM)

No specific mechanism for interaction between VSS and phonological loop

Episodic buffer

links btwn subsystems of WM and connects these with LTM

1) not fully developed or tested
2) natural extension of wm?
3) or catch all for processes not fully understood