Treaty of Brest Litovsk signed on the 3rd March 1918. Negotiations began in December, but the request of peace 'without annexations or indemnities' was scorned by the Germans. Bukharin and even Trotsky were against the treaty, with Bukharin stating that lenin was helping Germany in it's imperial expansion. In addition, the discussion were heated, and at one point in February, the Bolsheviks walked out, but this was inconsequential to the Germans, as they just pushed further into the Ukraine. In addition, the terms were devastating, and this was to become one of the principal reason for the start of the civil war. Russia lost 75% of its iron, coal and steel production, and also lost 62 million of the population. In terms of agricultural land, Russia lost a third of the fields where agricultural production took place. The overarching effect was that it united opposition to the Bolsheviks, with left social revolutionaries leaving Sovnarkom in protest, and internal fractures.
Opposition to Bolsheviks
Lenin had declared that 'elections prove nothing' and established the 'dicatorship of the proletariat after his failing within the 1918 elections. He barely got 20% of seats, whereas the social revolutionaries gained nearly 50% of seats. In addition, when the new constituent assembly met in the Taurade Palace for one day in January under the new President, social revolutionary chernov, Lenin assumed control by force using bolshevik guards and assume Bolshevik control through intimidation and brutality.
When the Sovnarkom was established shortly after the collapse of the provisional government, there was much opposition to it from the Mensheviks, who stated it would only last 'three weeks', and also from the kadets, liberals and right social revolutionaries, although Trotsky did persuade Lenin to allow some left social revolutioanries in. The government was completely dominated by Bolsheviks, but took power in the name of the soviets, with Trotsky as commissar for foreign affairs and Lenin as chairman. The other parties even here complained he had seized power through brutality, and called for elections.
Could not rely on the army or police, or civil service, bankers refused to serve under them.
After Brest Litovsk, former tsarist army officers, kadets, left and right social revolutionaries, dispossessed landowners, moderate liberals, anarchists and ethnic minorities opposed Bolsheviks