The UK’s evolving human landscape
Urban Core
Rural periphery
Cities and towns are very important because they drive the economy in the UK.
Farms provide the country with fresh local produce.
London alone generates 23% of UK's GDP
The Multiplier Effect occurs when people move to urban areas to work, they spent the money they earn on housing, goods, and services. This creates more jobs and is called the multiplier effect.
Conurbation: extended urban area, typically consisting of several towns merging with the suburbs of a central city.
EU membership, whereby anyone in the EU is free to move and work in any member state.
Globalisation, London’s ‘knowledge economy’ needs highly qualified and skilled people and the UK cannot provide all it needs.
Economic change
Economic sectors
Primary Sector
Secondary Sector
Tertiary Sector
These are jobs that extract raw materials such as natural gas , oil and coal.
These are jobs that consist manufacturing raw materials such as product manufacturing.
These are jobs that consist of providing services such as teaching , retail and finance.
Industrialization is when industries close down , this could be due to outsourcing jobs to other countries where labour was cheaper