Sun : Friend or Enemy, The positive and negative effects of solar radiation Ashampoo_Snap_2018.05.03_19h57m11s_007_

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The sun can cause fires 4

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The sun helps plants grow1

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When it is sunny we can do various sports in the seaAshampoo_Snap_2018.05.07_19h12m27s_008_

The sun burns the skin and causes burnsAshampoo_Snap_2018.05.07_19h11m03s_007_

Sun can burn skin32462581_1898606193504190_4127044309633466368_n

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When it is sunny we can swim in the poolAshampoo_Snap_2018.05.07_19h16m20s_009_

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When it is sunny we can play in the playground Ashampoo_Snap_2018.05.07_19h17m38s_010_

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The sun helps plants grow Ashampoo_Snap_2018.05.07_19h07m42s_005_

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The sun helps us to have strong bones Ashampoo_Snap_2018.05.07_19h05m25s_004_

The sun gives us the light of day 2

The sun warms the sea and forms the clouds


The sun makes allergies to some people

The sun can cause burns if we do not use sunscreen6

If we are in the sun for a long time, we can have serious illnesses7

Photosynthesis 32481817_1779928198789404_6024258641337516032_n

Joy 32453885_1779928125456078_6351408499297091584_n

Heat 32469508_1779928282122729_3153733754615234560_n

Vitamin D 32603676_1779928552122702_7670521457025220608_n

Light 32486518_1779928672122690_481143122923880448_n

Burn 32555244_1779927692122788_1345430820805935104_n

Bad in the eyes 32595211_1779927852122772_6245807111893155840_n

Headache- Sunstroke32313895_1779927902122767_6495206113196113920_n

Sun has impact on feelings 32446747_1898606450170831_3513342608870998016_n

Rainbow 32625928_1898606430170833_428841476504420352_n

Day and night 32478046_1898606376837505_7221145256547319808_n

Sun gives energy 32446731_1898606163504193_1349850471002537984_n

Sun could be harmful for eyes32464449_1898606103504199_948015289293864960_n

Growth of plants 32507943_1898606250170851_4796740302192771072_n

Vitamin D 32420280_1898606290170847_97003047560937472_n

Εvaporation and rain 32630583_1898606390170837_665353621709258752_n