Treasury Enterprise Architecture Framework (TEAF)


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  • A framework for producing an Enterprise Architecture
  • Guidance for developing and using an ea
  • Guidance for managing ea activities
  1. Provide guidance to the department and its bureaus in developing ae that:

a.Meet the needs of each bureau
b. Fulfill federal requirement
c. Are consistent and comparable across the department, including the bureaus and offices.


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  1. Support the  roles of the Treasury Chief Architect and the Treasury CIO Architecture Champion in guiding the full spectrum of EA development and management in Treasury
  1. Establish overall goals for Treasury-wide EA development
  1. Support effective EA governance across the Department

a. Highlight the value-added benefits of establishing and maintaining an EA

b. Identify key components and characteristics of effective EA management

c. Identify approaches for reporting progress of EA activities

d. Emphasize critical requirements of EAs that may be overlooked

e. Identify common pitfalls in EA planning

f. Initiate momentum toward a federated approach to enterprise architecture construction and management to facilitate integration, information sharing and exploitation of common requirements.

  1. Guide the Treasury bureaus and offices in satisfying OMB and other federal requirements
  1. Support Treasury bureaus and offices in implementing their EAs based on their individual priorities and strategic plans.


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  1. Information processing activities shall comply with applicable laws, orders and regulations
  1. Business objectives must be well defined before initiating information technology decisions
  1. Total business value is the primary objective when making information technology decisions.
  1. Enterprise architecture is an integral part of the investment management process.
  1. Architectural decisions shall maximize interoperability and reusability
  1. Enterprise architecture must take advantage of standardization to fulfil common customer requirements and to provide common function.
  1. Treasury information technology organizational should collaborates to share information, data and infrastructure required by the business units
  1. Business and information technology requirements should adopt commercial off-the-shelf technology where appropriate rather than customized or in-house solutions.
  1. Information and infrastructure are vital assets that must be managed, controlled and secured
  1. Enterprise architecture must be consistent with departmental guidance and strategic goals.