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First Aid- Hailee McKinney (bleeding wounds (closed wounds (if bruise…
First Aid- Hailee McKinney
first aid- defined as immediate care give to a victim of an accidnet or illness to minimize the effect of injury or illness until experts take over.
can often mean difference between life and death or recovery verse permanent disability.
basic principles
remain calm, evalaute sistuatio, have a reason for anything you do
tx will depend on type of injury or illness, environment, other present, equpiment or supplies available
steps of first aid
recognize emergencies exist
use all sense to be aware to detect problems
remember that some signs are obvious and others are not, be alert
check scene for safety
if not safe call medical help, if safe approach victim and provide first aid
determine if victim is conscious and never move victim unless in danger
call EMS asap
give address, phone number, condition of victim and amount of victims
if alone call ems if unconscious adult or puberty child, or an infant with a heart problem. or any victim with cardiac arrest
if alone shout for help and start cpr if unconscious child is between 1- and puberty, cardiac arrest is due to drug overdose, any victim submerged in water
if conscious ask for permission , if not or is confused or too ill to respond assume they want help
triage- method prioritizing treatment
obtain as much info as possible
reassure victim and show calmness and confidence to help pt. relieve anxiety
obtain qualified help asap
life threatening emergencies- no breathing, pulse, head neck or spinal injury
avoid give food and water
bleeding wounds
open- break in skin or mucous membrane
closed- underlying the tissue (bruise, hematoma)
wounds can result in bleeding infection and tetanus
abrasion - skin scraped off bleeding limited but infection can occur
incision- cut by sharp objects can lead to excessive blood loss, damage to muscle, nerves and other tissues
laceration- tearing of tissue by excessive force
punture- pointed instrument causing external bleeding and internal
avulsion- tearing of tissue
amputation- body part cut off
control bleeding
bleedinding can come from capillaries, veins, arteries
arteral- spurts and results in heavy blood loss
venous- slower, steadier and a dark red
capillary- blood oozes
four direct methods of controlling bleeding
direct pressure- sterile dressing over 5-10mins and add more if soaked through
elevation- raise injured part above level of victims heart continuing to apply pressure
pressure bandage- apply pressure dressing to hold in place while affected limb is elevated
pressure points- apply pressure on main artery don't disturb clots
closed wounds
if bruise apply cold application to reduce swelling
signs- pain, tenderness, deformity, cold clammy skin
check breathing for shock
get medical help asap
bacteria can enter open wound
serious illness most common in punture wounds and hat involve damage to tissues underneath skin
get a tetanus shot
objects embeded
if superficial gently remove
objects embedded in tissue should be left to remove my physician
providing first aid for shock
shock- clinical set of signs that are associated with inadequate supply of blood to body organs
causes are hemmorhage, lack of O2, and pain
types of shock
anaphlatic- hypersensitivity or allergic reaction to a substance
hemorrhagic-severe bleeding or loss of blood plasma
metabolic- loss of body fluids from severe vomitting, disruption of acid base balance, etc
neurogenic- injury/ trauma to brain or spinal cord
signs of shock- skin is pale or bluish grey, cool to touch, check nail beds and mucous membranes around mouth
rapid weak pulse
blurred vision or vision changes
tx for shock- eliminating cause of shock, improve circulation, provide adequate O2
positioning victim
usually laying flat on back ( can raise legs 12 inches)
if moth injury or vomiting position on side
breathing problems- may need to raise head and shoulders
head and neck injuries move as little as possible
poison- any substance that causes a harmful reaction when applied ingested injected or inhaled
immeidate action is needed ( can do into anaphylatic shock)
if victim is uncouncious check for breathing provide artifcial respiration if not breathing
being swallowed
call poison control doctor or EMS
save label to give info and know estimated amt consumed and at what time
if vomiting occurs save a sample
methods to induce vomiting
tickle back of throat or give warm saltwater drink
dont induce vomiting on unconscious, who swallowed acid or alkali, petroleum products, convulsing, or burn lips/mouth
inhale poison
remove victim from area, avoid breathing in the harmful air
check breathing and provide respirations if needed
obtain medical help STAT
poison with skin
use lrg amt of water for 15-20mins
remove clothing and jelwery
call PC or doctor
obtain medical help
contact poisonous plant
poison ivy, oak, samac
wash area with lots of soap and water
if rash or weeping sore starts 2-3days after lotions and creams can be used along with baking soda and water
poison injected
remove embedded stinger by scraping with a credit car dont use tweezers because it will burst venom sac
apply sterile dressing and a cold pack
if a tick slowly pull out of skin with tweezers
1st degree- less serve involves top layer of skin lasts 5-6 days redness and pain, common exposure is sunburn ,steam
2nd degree- affects first two layers a blister or vesicel forms , skin mottled, swelling on surface, painful burn taking 3-4 weeks to heal. Excessive exposure to sun, artifical radiation , hot boling liquids
3rd degree- most severe type all layers are affected. Charred white apperance extremely painful if nerve endings are destroyed it can be painless and also can be life threatening due to loss of fluids
tx- remove source of hear, cover burns, apply cold packs, prevent infection
rule of 9- used to calculate % of body surface burn
body surface of adult is 15 and a child is 10%
1st degree to mild 2nd degree treatment
cool area body flushing with lrg amt of cold water apply sterlie dressing , elvate and dont use cotton or creams unless instructed by doctor
how to treat 2+3 burns
call medical help immediately, cover area with thick sterile dressings elvate affected area, if feet or legs burned do not walk
how to treat chemical splashes- dont remove clothing, larg amt of water 15-30 mins
heat exposure
overexposure to heat may cause a chemical imbalance in body
occurs when water and salt are loss through prespiration
also occurs when body cannot eliminate excess heat
heat cramps- caused by exposure to heat
muscle pains and spasms caused by the loss of water and salt from perspiration
treat by applying firm pressure on cramped muscle to provide relief
encourage rest and move to cooler area
heat exhaustion- occurs when exposed to heat and there is loss of fluid through sweating
signs are pale clammy skin, muscle cramps and nausea
treat quickly moving person to cooler area, loosening clothing, apply wet cloths
heat stroke- prolonged exposure to high temps
body unable to eliminate excess heat and internal body temp rises to 105 degrees or higher
s/s- sweating is no longer working, red hor dry skin, pulse rapid,
tx- palinc body in tube of cold water, ice packs placed on wrists, groin, ankles, and axillary
be alert for shock and call 911
providing first aid for cold exposure
exposure to cold external temps can cause body tissue to freeze and body processes to slow down
need immediate attention or victim will die
degree of injury affected by wind velocity, amount of humidity, and length of exposure to cold
hypothermia- when body temp is less than 95 degrees F
caused by prolonged exposure to cold
s/s- shivering numbness low body temp
death cna occur if body processes become too slowed down
first aid care- move to warm area, remove wet clothing, slowly warm victim by wrapping
frost bite
actually freezing of tissue fluids with damage to skin and underlying tissue
caused by exposure to freezing or below freezing temps.
s/s- pale glossy skin, skin cold to touch, blisters
tx to frostbite- maintain respirations, treating for shock, warming affected parts and preventing further injury
providing first aid for bone/ joint injuries
variety of injuries can occur
frequently occur during accidents or falls
ex) fractures, dislocations
may have more than one type of injury
closed fracture- no break in skin
open fracture- break in skin
s/s- can vary and not present in every victim, deformity, limited motion
tx- maintain respirations, treat shock, prevent further injury
when end of bone displaced from joint or moved out of its normal position within a joint
accompanied by tearing/streching of ligaments muscles other soft tissue
s/s- deformity, swelling, pain and tenderness
tx- no attempt to reduce dislocation, obtain medical help
injury to tissue surrounding joint usually goes beyond ROM
common sites ankles and wrists
s/s- swelling, pain, discomfort
tx- apply cold applications, elevate affected part, encourage rest
overstreching of muscle
caused by overexertion or by lifting - frequent side is back
s/s- sudden pain, swelling, brusing
tx- encourage rest, bed rest, obtain medical help
splints- devices used to be immobilize injured part
types- pneumatic or air splints padded board traction splint
basic principles are tie in place, control bleeding, should be padded
circulation check
verify splints are not too tight
check skin temp
check color
note swelling or edema
check pulse
commercial slings have series of straps that extend around neck/thoracic region
triangular bandage- most commonly used in first aid, used for arm,hand,forearm, shoulder
positioning of sling hand is higher than the elbow which helps promote circulation , prevent swelling and decrease pain
if knots used- placement- knot should not be pressed against the on ein the back but on either side of spinal column. Padding place under knot to protect skin
after sling applied another bandage can be placed around thoraric region to hold arm against body
spine/neck injury
most dangerous injury involving breaks
movement can result in permanent injury resulting paralysis
avoid movement of victim if possible
wait for backboard and adequate help to arrive for transfer
eye injury
always involve danger of vision
best to avoid giving major tx
obtain help from specialist
can wash floating object in eye out with drawing upper eyelid over lower lid to create tears
ear injuries
can result in rupture or perforation of eardrum
torn/deatached tissue
clear fluid or blood fluid draining from ear
nose injury
nosebleeds are more frightening than serious
causes of nose bleeds- change in altitude, strenous activity, high BP
tx- keep vitim calm and have them sit up if possible and lean forward and pinch nose
chest injury
sucking chest- deep open wound that allows air in and out when breathing
penetrating injuries- can result in sucking wound or damage to heart and vessels if object embedded dont remove apply sterile dressing around
crushing injury- caused in car accidents or when heavy objects strike chest