Trade Unions

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5 The effect of trade unions in businesses

Employers and employees argue about pay, hours of work and other rules and conditions of employment.

The relationship between trade unions and business has two sides. Businesses (employers) need labour (employees) to do the work.

Here is an example from mining about how trade unions negotiate with business:

Mine workers in South African mines can join the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) to help them fight for their rights as workers.

If the mines offer a 5% wage increase, but workers want a 10% increase, they call on their union to fight for better wages.

The union enters into negotiations with the employers.

This process where the two sides (employers and the trade unions) try to agree is called collective bargaining.

The trade union puts forward a grievance or complaint from the miners.

The Chamber of Mines, who represents the mining companies, has its own representative.

If the two sides cannot reach an agreement, both groups have other tactics or methods they can use.

Employees can strike until there is a solution. Employers can use lock-out to force workers to accept an offer. This effects both sides because employers cannot produce any goods and employees get no money to pay for things they need.

Strikes and lock-outs are industrial actions.

Sometimes many employees from different industries strike at the same time.

This is called a wide-spread strike or mass action.

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6 Contribution of trade unions to sustainable growth and development

More labour-intensive production

Increased education and training of people to enable them to find employment and have sustainable livelihoods.

Investment in housing, electricity and water.

Trade unions should continue to help workers fight against unfair dismissals and/or retrenchment.

Farm workers and domestic workers are now protected in terms of the new Labour Relations Act.

The most poverty-stricken population are women in rural areas and wages in the farming areas need to be improved.

There is an urgent need to take steps to end poverty in rural areas. The very poor are living on incomes of less than R178/month (2012).

Since 2007, there have been many strikes throughout South Africa as workers demand higher wages. Many people suggest that this is preventing job growth. In 2010, trade unions organised a four-week national strike.

Since 2007, there have been many strikes throughout South Africa as workers demand higher wages. Many people suggest that this is preventing job growth. In 2010, trade unions organised a four-week national strike.

4 Roles and responsibilities of trade unions

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Key terms

collective bargaining

protected strike

industrial action


4 Roles and responsibilities of trade unions

The most important functions of trade unions are to:

represent the rights of employees in a particular industry

offer advice to employees on labour legislation

participate in collective bargaining (negotiations) with employers on behalf of employees over issues such as better wages, benefits and working conditions

negotiate on behalf of employees in the event of disagreement with employer over wages, benefits or working conditions

represent employees in disciplinary issues

join labour action within an industry.

Trade unions have the right to:

negotiate with employers on behalf of its members

visit the employer’s workplace to meet with its members

ask employers to deduct membership fees from the workers’ wages

use the workplace for members to elect union representatives

give information to be used in the collective bargaining process

call a protected strike which means that striking workers cannot be dismissed, but they do not receive pay while they are on strike

call for any other industrial action such as picketing and go-slow.

The concept of trade unions

The term union means to come together, and the term trade refers to a common set of skills or crafts.

A trade union is therefore a group of employees from a particular industry, trade or occupation who come together to regulate relations between themselves and their employers

Trade unions in South Africa have to meet certain criteria in order to register and function as a legitimate trade union.

3 Brief historical development of trade unions

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) is the biggest of South Africa’s main labour federations.

rade unions started in South Africa during the 1880s. Originally, the trade unions were almost only for white mine workers.

Cosatu aligns itself with the African National Congress and together with the South African Communist Party they form the tripartite alliance.