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NMR Literature review (Basic Concepts (Basic Design (High field! (larger…
NMR Literature review
Basic Concepts
QM Model (s-1/2)
Pauli matrices. Orthogonal. Complete set. Raising, lowering operators
Nuclear magnetic moment
\( \vec{\mu} = \gamma\vec{L} \); QM: \( \hat{\mu}_p = \gamma\hat{L}_p = \gamma \hbar \hat{I}_p \)
Classical model
RF puls (flip angle) - Magnetization nutation and decay (T1,T2). Phase coherence
Basic Design
FT: higher PW shorter acquisition
\( S(t) = M_0 \sin(\omega_0 t) \exp(-t/T_2) \)
\( F(\omega) = M_0 T_2/[ 1+(\omega-\omega_0)^2T_2^2 ] \)
Line width (Lornetzian shape):
\( 1/T_2^* = 1/T_2 + \gamma \Delta B_0/2 \)
*Broadening through field inhomogeneity
Spin-1/2: \(^1H, ^{13}C (1\%), ^{15}N (0.4\%), ^{31}P \)
Spin >1/2 - quadrupole moment - broad signal, low SNR
Isotopically enriched!
el. shielding
\( B = B_0 (1-\sigma) \), where \(\sigma\) is a shielding tensor
liquids - trace averaging, solids - no (anisotropy of dipol-dipol interactions)
\( \Delta \sigma = \Delta \sigma^{loc} + \Delta \sigma^m + \Delta \sigma^e + \Delta \sigma^{vW} + \Delta \sigma^{med} \)
2 spin system
J coupling
Off diagonal zero quantum operators
\( \Delta H = \frac{1}{2}J_{AX}[I_A^+I_X^+ + I_A^-I_X^- ] \)
*only for strong coupling
Spin-spin coupling. J(ij) - scalar coupling constant
\( H_J = 2\pi J_{ij}I_i I_j \)
*indep. of magn. field, through joint el. cloud (bond)
Dipolar coupling
\( H_{ij}=d (I_iI_j-3I_{zi}I_{zj}) \)
*only high field spectra, no affect on relaxation
Solids: \( \Delta \mu = 3\mu(3\cos^2\Theta_{ij}-1)r_{ij}^3(\mu_0/4\pi) \)
*in liquids averages out (if anisotrop.). HR solid state NMR
NMR relaxation
Bloch (first order) longitud. relax.:
\( \dfrac{dM}{dt} = R_1(M_0-M_z) \)
\( M_z(t) = M_0(1-\exp[-t/T_1]) \)
*exchange of E with env. (spin - lattice), DD interaction
Transvers. relax.:
\( \dfrac{dM_{xy}}{dt} = - R_2 M_{xy} \)
\( M_{xy}(t) = M_{xy}(0)exp[-t/T_2] \)
*spin-spin relaxation, faster then T1
Major cause - DD interaction (inter/intramolecular)
Other: chemical shift anisotropy (CSA), scalar coupling (SC), spin rotation (SR)
Fluct. field - H perturbation
\( \dfrac{d\rho}{dt} = -\frac{i}{\hbar} [H_0+H_1(t),\rho] \)
Spectral density:
Fast tumbling \(\omega\tau_c >>1\) -> both T1&2 very low
Small molecules, extreme narrowing.
\( R_1=R_2 = \tau_cd^2 \)
Intermediate tumbling \(\omega\tau_c \approx1\) -> most efficient relaxation for T1&2. Large contrib. from single, double and zero-quantum transitions. Medium size, viscous solution.
Slow tumbling \(\omega\tau_c << 1\) -> both T1 high, T2 may vary. Small molecules, extreme narrowing
\( R_1 = 1/T_1 \neq R_2 \)
Cross section:
\( \sigma_{ij} = (1/8) d^2 (\mu_0/4\pi) {12J(\omega_i+\omega_j)-2J(\omega_i-\omega_j)}\)
Bloch equations
\( {\frac {dM_{x}(t)}{dt}}=\gamma ({\mathbf {M}}(t)\times {\mathbf {B}}(t))_{x}-{\frac {M_{x}(t)}{T_{2}}} \)
\(\frac{dM_y(t)}{dt} =\gamma ({\mathbf {M}}(t)\times {\mathbf {B}}(t))_{y}-{\frac {M_{y}(t)}{T_{2}}} \)
\(\frac{dM_z(t)}{dt} = \gamma ({\mathbf {M}}(t)\times {\mathbf {B}}(t))_{z}-{\frac {M_{z}(t)-M_{0}}{T_{1}}}\)
Chemical exchange
Slow exchange. Distinct A and B signals observed with intensities equal to their relative populations. Eq. constant and Free energy difference can be measured.
\(k_{ex} << 1/\delta v\)
Solvent exchange. 2H-1H exchange. For proteins with buried hydrogens in D2O. -> Determination of hydrogen bonded network.
Double resonance
Spin decoupling
Radiation of B2 to the spin resonance removes all couplings to this spin. Example - remove all H couplings (broad band decoupling, off-resonance). Alternative - RF train (all H peaks)
Problem: retention of low BW at high field -> increased radiation power -> sample heating. Uniform irradiation (resid. split compared to line-width). Low power dissipation, T controll. Insens. to RF pulse width and phase shift. Side band signals.
Enhancement of signal intensity when a spin in close spat proximity is saturated -> polarization of nuclear spin distribution
System tends to return to thermal equilibrium through single, zero and double quantum transitions
Cross-relaxation rate \( \sigma_{AX}=W_2-W_0\)
Auto-relaxation rate \( \rho=2W_1+W_2+W_0\)
\( NOE = \dfrac{\sigma_{AX}}{\rho}\)
All transitions have their probabilities (see relaxation rates). If put together - NOE depends on correlation time. If relaxation is dominated by intramol. DD interactions and molecule is in the fast motion regime one can measure distances.
\( \mu_{AX}/\mu_{AY} = (r_{AX}/r_{AY})^6 \)
J coupling
Strong: \( \sum 2\pi J_{kl} \hat{I}_k \hat{I}_l \)
Weak: \( \sum 2\pi J_{kl} \hat{I}_{kz} \hat{I}_{lz} \)
Spin Density operator
Time dep.
\( \frac{d}{dt}\hat{\sigma} = -i [\hat{H}_s,\hat{\sigma}] \)
Master equation
\( e^{i \Theta \hat{A}}\hat{B} = \hat{B}\cos(\Theta) + i[\hat{A} \hat{B}] \sin(\Theta) \)
Biological NMR
Sensittivity. 3rd power prop. to the nuclear magnetic moment.
Low energy gap -> low pop. difference -> low SNR -> need high concentration (now - sub mM)!
Low abundance -> labeling.
Resolution. Large number of resonances in close range.
High field: strong coupling -> weak; better dispertion
Assignment. Sequence specific. Partial. Multi-nuclear, multi-dimensional - easier.
Water signal. Deuterated solvent. Problem H/D exchange on important sites (NH, OH) for hydrogen bonding studies etc.
Emergence of MRI !
Line width. Biomolecules - restricted motion, low T2 - broad lines. Vary strongly inside the molecule (difficult to correct for it).
Basic NMR experiment
Signal averaging. Repeated collection and summation of FID. SNR increase with number of experiments as \( s\sim \sqrt{n}\).
Relaxatoin decay RD.
Wait \( \tau \sim 5T_1 \) for equilibration of z magnetization. If fast TR used: steady state reached
Smaller flip angle allows shorter longitudinal relaxation via reduction of transverse signal. Optimal Ernst angle:
\( \cos(\theta) = \exp(-TR/T_1) \)
Water suppression
Presaturation. Saturation with low RF power. Reduces SNR because of the magnetization transfer from the solvent.
Jump and Return. Two pi/2(y) pulses separated by time delay. Solvent resonances stay in X axis, then deleted to Z axis. Others spread and detected. Pi phase difference on other sides of solvent peak
Field inhomog.
Pi flip over X axis inverses the dephasing and it recovers during next relax time. However other factors causing decay of transverse magnetization still act.
SE modulates J coupling (phase modulation) and refocuses chemical shifts. In case of heteronuclear spliting, if SE acts only on 1 spin, there is no phase modulation, frequency labeling of other spin.
Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) sequence. Measuring T2.
\( (\pi/2)_x-TE/2-\pi_y-TE/2... \).
Measure FID during each TE. Tip of the FID will decay with T2 each time.
Inversion recovery IR. Measure T1.
\( S = k\rho (1-2\exp(-\tau/T_1)) \)
\( RD-\pi-\tau-(\pi/2)_y\)
Use many tau points, homog. irradiation, large RD
Multi-dimensional NMR
Evolution (under \(H_{\delta}+H_J\)) Time incremented in steps of \(\Delta t_1\) - second dimention (number of steps)
Detection of separate FID(\(t_2\)) -> 2D dataset \(S(t_1,t_2)\)
-> 2DFT: \(S(\Omega_1,\Omega_2)\). Homonuclear diagonal: 1D NMR trace. Off diagonal - important info about spin interactions
Simplest experiment.
COrrelated SpectroscopY (COSY). 2 pi/2 pulses. Freq - CS, Cross peaks -J couplings.
Problem: diagonal peak tails, masking of cross peaks near diag. Solution: symmetrization.
Relayed COSY - seen relayed peak AX, where AM and M'X coupled and M/M' are not resolved
ROESY, if NOE not observed
States TPPI modulates artifacts by Nyquist frequency and brings them from center to the edge of the spectrum
Structure, Dynamics and Function