The Psychology Influence Of Persuation



When book is banned, the people
who want to read that book increases

when you shout a child for something he will
have desire to do that thing again and again

and this child becomes rebellious

Companies make limited edition products

Pandas are cute and that is why they are saved

there are other animals which are scares is well but they are
not as cute as pandas

How to work on liking?

We can't say no to people whom we like

try to look as good as possible
weak good cloth,
smell good,
comb your hair well

Try to find similarities
we like people who are like us

We like people who phrases us

Contact And Co-operation
We like people who we see Regularly

Conditioning And Associaation
try to associate with good people

Commitment And Consistency

Screenshot from 2018-04-30 10-24-51

at the time of Korean's war
Chinese soldiers tried to find information
through american soldier but the didn't say a word

then they made those american soldiers write negative about
america each and every day and after some time some american soldiers get to the Chinese side and fought along with them
this way commitment and consistency did their work slowly but effectively

Ask for Small Commitment First then there is high chance that person will do the bigger commitment

in one experiment people were told to wear a badge for cancer
and after some period when they were asked for a donation they not only gave the donation but also helped to collect more donation that is how this small and large commitment technique works

So basically make someone commit small
make them consistent in that then ask for something big


TITLE : people obey person with some title like doctor
CLOTHES : if person wear police uniform people obey them,
TRAPPING : a person with luxurious life like great car job status can be obeyed

And these techniques can be used to influence someone