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Ecology between... (Ch.52: Environmental factors (Aquatic biomes…
Ecology between...
Ch.52: Environmental factors
terrestrial biome
carbon cycle- movement of carbon between spheres and oceans.
increase CO2- pollution, burning fossil fuels, cow farts, deforestation
decrease CO2- tree planting, less burning, plants
climate changes by : greenhouse effect, natural/man made things
potential effects: more ocean water. ice melting
global warming not a good description for climate change. simply because some places get hotter while others colder
rain shadow= air flow over land, moist air rises and cools.
. windy mountain side has moisture release (rainy green side)
. while other side of mountain gets dry air= desert like side
biotic= living
biomes change by disturbance that removes organisms and available resources
microclimate-localized patterns in climate conditions. ex. shadow on grass in corner when sun is shining on grass in center.
Ectotone- where neighboring biomes intergrate (meet up).
biome height: either canopy,low tree, shrub, herbacious plants, forest floor with roots.
. vertical layering,
why they change: succussion- natural change in landscape overtime by natural disterbances
Aquatic biomes
lots of water and saturated soil plants. inundated.
good at filtering dissolved nutrients/pollutants. low dissolved O2.
streams and rivers
speed/ flow volume. stream= cold, clear, swift.
river= warm, turbid.
high salt/nutrients. O2 rich in stream, somewhat in river.
small to large bodies of water,Tmperate: seasonal thermocline)(tropical= themocline yr. round)
oliotrophic=nutrient poor, O2 rich. eutrophic= nutrient rich, may be O2 depleted.
transition of river and sea.
salinity= vary from salty to fresh water.
intertidal zones
change by water exposure, looks like a mix of sea substances.
O2 +nutrient= high, renewed with tides.
Oceanic pelagic zone
vast blue water, windy currents, great depths.
high O2, Nutrient level lower then coastal waters,fall/spring transition gives new nutrients.
Coral Reefs
made of coral skeletons, clear water, can be in deep waters.
high O2, no fresh water/ nutrients.
Marine benthic zone
has seafloor, mainly no sunlight,
colder the deeper,
pressure increase the deeper,
enough O2 for life.
Earth climate change
Tilt of Earth
: 23.5 degrees. North tilt/ South tilt seasonal change affects:
Day length
Ocean currents
Dry/ wet seasons
Solar Radiation
Northern hemisphere tilt most to sun in June solstice. June 21st 22. : at 23.4 degrees
Over tropic of cancer
December Solstice is when the Northern hemisphere has its shortest day. December 21st -22nd
Over tropic of capricorn
March/September Equinox earth is perpendicular to sun, 20-22
season change= earth angle and where the suns light is most directed.
South/North Poles{90 degrees}: Cold, dry air flows into the poles making them cold from the absorption of moisture.
Does not experience seasonal change
Earth=Oblique Angle
Low sunlight on poles
air cools=less moisture=rain
air sink= absorbed moisture
wind goes from high to low pressure
North= Clockwise
most deserts are found in 30 degree lat. and poles.
most rain forests are located on 60 degree lat. and equator.
Latitude= y-axis 0 degrees, not longer than longitude.
Longitude= X-Axis
temp,. sunlight, seasonality (tilt), mountains (elevation), precipitation, wind, water (insulation)
affects climate
differs from weather (changes often) since climate is a longterm change
made by: intense solar radiation, earth tilt rotation, and slow turn
trade winds- winds that blow in an east direction from south/north at sea
westerlies- winds from the west
Doldrums- stillness or light activity
Ecology- study of organisms and their environmental surroundings.
Global Ecology- (biosphere- ecosystems + landscapes= total biosphere)- Energy/material exchange and how it affects organisms in the biosphere.
Landscape Ecology- (connected ecosystems)- Energy materials and organism exchange between ecosystems.
Ecosystem Ecology- (community area of organisms)- Energy flow, chemical cycling between organisms and environment.
Community Ecology- Different species interactions and how they affect community structures/ organization
Population Ecology- population size study and how it changes over time.
Organismal Ecology- organisms structure, physiology and behavior interactions between environment
major terrestrial biomes
Loc: midlat. coast regions
precip: rainy winter, dry summer.
temp: fall, winter, spring= cool (10-12 C.). summer average 30 C.
dominant orgs: shrubs, small trees, browsers (deer/goat)
temperate grassland
Loc; spreaded. veldtd, puszta, pampas, steppes, plains/prairies
precip: dry winter, wet summer, periodic droughts.
temp: winter cold (-10 C.) summer 30 C= hot
dominant orgs: grasses, forbs, large grazers (bison), burrowing mammals (prairie dogs)
Loc: equatorial/subequatorial regions
precip: seasonal rain, 9 month dry period.
temp: warm= 24-29 celsuis
dominant orgs: fire adapted plants, large herbavoires, predators. insects mainly
northern coniferous forest
Loc: across north america, eurasia to arctic egde.
precip: periodic droughts mainly rainy.
temp: winter cold, summer kinda hot.
dominant orgs: cone-bearing trees, bear, tiger, moose.
Loc: 30 degree N/S lat. or lats. of interior continents.
precip:low, highly variable.
Temp: hot desert=50 celsius. cold desert= -30 celsuis
Dominant orgs: succulents, snakes, scorpions, beetles
temperate broadleaf forest
Loc: midlat. in northern hemisphere
precip: rain, snow.
temp: winter 0 C,summer= hot, humid 35 C.
Dominant orgs: decideous trees, eucalyptus trees. mammals, birds, insects.
tropical forest
loc; equatorial/ subequatorial regions
precip: rainy (dry forest may have 7 dry months).
Temp: 25-29 degree little season change.
dominant orgs: anthropods, canopy trees, mammals, reptiles.
Loc: all lats. extensive areas of arctic
precip: kinda rainy but alpine tundra real rainy. T
emp: winter cold -30 c. summer 10 C.
dominant orgs: moss, grass,forbs, shrubs, lichens, oxen,wolve, fox, migrate birds.
Ch.51: Animal Behavior
Behaviors evolved by:
way to survive
natural selection.
Major motivation: mate, eat, raise young, avoid predators, eating and sex
Fixed action pattern
instinct behavior to complete patttern
goose that takes ball next to
her and takes it to nest as if it were an egg
follow actions of influencers
ducks follow who they believe is their mom
know from day one, genetically programmed.
Associative learning
conditioned learning
pavlov- dog that salivates to bell ringing (sign of food).
trial and error (operant conditioning)
teaching by trial and error
teaching crow to find quarter and put in
vending machine to get coins
find threats but get used to it and find it not a threat.
prairie dog screams at threat but after seeing threat and it does nothing then prairie dog leaves it alone.
observational learning
watching and mimicking
octopus mimicks by opened bottle lid to get food like human.
using problem solving skill to solve problems
banana high and boxes next to chimpanzee,
chimpanzee use boxes to climb to bananas.
Starlings swarmed in groups in odd directions
probably migration
fixed action pattern and imprinting
Vending Machine Crow. Crows mimicking and problem solving what they want to achieve.
The effect of their behavior helped them develop new skills. Stimulus usually food
insight, observational learning, trial and error, imprinting
Lemming Migrations: They reproduce fast and some plummet to their death for migration reasons.
stimulus is because overcrowding. Purpose is for migration
innate, fixed action pattern
Crow 2: They have high reasoning skills and completed 8 stages for food.
Purpose of the behavior was to to whatever it could to get food. Stimulus is food.
insight, trial and error
octopus- Go on water and on land to hunt for food. Crushed a big crab to eat it.
Stimulus behavior is hunger. Purpose was hunting
jeweled wasps- bite twice to slightly paralyze roach. then lays her eggs on victim in her burrow and closes ot off. then egg hatch and slowly eats roach inside out.
did this to leave her babies but with food to survive since she wont be back. stimulus is that she can sense a victim.
fixed pattern action
Stickleback fish- didn't do anything to grey fish but attacked on similiar to its color.
probably saw it as a threat,
maybe thought it was there own kind,
wanted to scare the stranger away.
Koko the gorilla learns sign language, emotion, interaction
Purpose was to learn. Stimulus was the candy but changed into interactions with the lady
insight, observational and associative learning