His reaction to the Digipak was 'positive'
He agreed when asked if the Digipak matches the music video
Niall is a 19 year old male
Her reaction to the digipak was 'very positive'
Tahmina is an 18 year old female
She rated the quality of the digipak 100/100
Her first reaction to the digipak was 'very positive'
Rose is a 17 year old female
She rated the quality 90/100
Her reaction to the digipak was 'Very positive'
She rated the quality 90/100
Raashika is an 18 year old female
She agreed when asked if the album cover relates to the music video
He rated the quality of the Digipak an 80
I have learnt that overall the use of colours of the album matched with the colour scheme of the music video. There was an overall positive response to the digipak
He thought that no improvements needed to be done to the digipak
She agreed when asked if the Digipak looked related to the music video
When asked what she liked about the product she said "The photography, it’s got good angles and lighting and correlates well with the music video"
She thought that no improvements were needed.
From this audience feedback, i have learnt that the angles and lighting of the photography helped make the digipak look professional. It also comes across that it matches the music video
She agreed that the product looked related to the music video
She liked the choice of location and outfits of the extra panels
In order to improve, a different type of camera shot could be used on one of the extra panels.
From this audience feedback i have learnt that the overall reaction was positive, the location and outfits were favoured as it made the artist look very feminine. In order to improve a different camera shot/angle could have been used in one of the extra panels
She liked that the overall album looked very pop but in a mature way. She liked that the artist wore clothes that were in the current trends of today.
In order to improve, the space on the back cover could have been filled with something.
From this feedback, i have learnt the overall digipak was liked due to the mise on scene such as the costumes. They were purposely chosen as they were the current trends of today. This made the artist more relatable to the target audience. In order to improve, the space could've been more filled on the back of the album.