Chemical: Most common on adults. Consider the basic requirements of chemical synaptic transmission. There must be a mechanism for synthesizing neurotransmitter and packing it into the synaptic vesicles, a mechanism for causing vesicles to spill their contents into the synaptic cleft in response to a presynaptic action poten- tial, a mechanism for producing an electrical or biochemical response to neurotransmitter in the postsynaptic neuron, and a mechanism for remov- ing neurotransmitter from the synaptic cleft. And, to be useful for sensa- tion, perception, and the control of movement, all these things must often occur very rapidly, within milliseconds
Receptors: convert the intercellular chemical signal (i.e., neurotransmitter) into an intracellular signal (i.e., a change in membrane potential or a chemical change) in the postsynaptic cell. The nature of this postsynaptic response can be quite varied, depending on the type of protein receptor that is activated by the neurotransmitter.
G-protein coupled receptors:The receptor proteins activate small proteins, called G-proteins, which are free to move along the intracellular face of the postsynaptic membrane. The activated G-proteins activate “effector” proteins. It enters the nucleus and binds to the DNA, thereby inducing gene expression
Transmitted-gated Ion Channels: when a ligand binds to an ion channel-linked receptor, conformational change—just a slight twist of the subunits—which within microseconds causes the pore to open, this usually induces immediately a postsynaptic action potential. e.g: ACh-gated ion channels at the neuromuscular junction are permeable to both Na and K