Role of citizens [complementary to the role of govt]


Can improve outcomes in society by addressing the needs of society

important role in contributing to the needs of society # #

can influence govt policies by providing feedback #

strengthening citizens' sense of belonging

volunteering their time, effort and money [e.g Litter@ a time, pg 84,]

Organised groups


able to contribute continued efforts to a specific cause

clear objectives that address a wide range of interests

registered with the government [e.g. NGO, VWO-voluntary groups that are formed by like minded-people]

e.g mercy relief:established to respond to human tragedies in Asia- serves the less fortunate and the needy


have specific short term goals

their actions can benefit many people directly

inspire others to make an improvement in society

So what? With organised groups, Singaporeans who are disadvantaged and need special help are able to get the support they need, no one is left behind. #

The organised groups also complement the support given by the government and ensure Singaporeans are able to move forward. #

[scenario] W/o organised grps, many segments of society would suffer w/o any avenue for help. Thus organised grps [link back to qn]

So what? Individuals play an important role in working for the good of society as they take time and effort to contribute to meaningful causes. #

This way, they are able to directly benefit the community in various ways like forging cohesiveness & promoting racial harmony. #

Individuals can also inspire others to contribute & this will allow SG to keep moving forward & this will improve SG as a whole. +link

E.g Our Singapore Conversation -National Level dialogue between Singaporeans from all walks of life and the government. Through this dialogue, Singaporeans are able to provide feedback to the government on issues, concerns and their dreams for Singapore.

Without the feedback from the people, the government would not be able to cater to the needs of the citizens. The citizens well-being would not be looked after by the government. -The government would not be doing a competent job & may lose support from the people.- Singapore may lose stability, which is not good for the country as they are not able to progress

pg 94, Facebook, Instagram, REACH

Making life better for everyone #

looking after the well-being of citizens #

providing help to the disadvantaged in society #

protecting & making sure citizens are safe #

ensuring that basic needs are taken care of #

ensuring that social services can run smoothly

So what?- The OSC allows the govt to listen to the people. The government is able to come up with good policies that look after the welfare of the citizens. The govt would be clear on what areas of the country need attention and dedicate resources where it is needed. This ensures that the country's resources are not wasted and are used to benefit the people.