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Fundamentals of Information and Communication (1-The Basic Concepts of…
Fundamentals of Information and Communication
1-The Basic Concepts of Communication
Communication Process
Development of an idea.
Retro information.
Eight steps are required to perform the Communication Process effectively, regardless of whether it is done using speech, hand signals, illustrated images or any other means of communication or language type.
Communication and decision making
Both communication and decision making are crucial processes in organizations,
especially if we take into account that the tendency is, to give a greater participation to the people and
have more democratic organizations, where everything is not decided in a unilateral way and
autocratic, by those in charge, but where suggestions and suggestions are taken into
opinions of all those involved and committed to achieving the productive objectives that
They will bring results for the company and satisfaction to the human needs of the employees.
Communication definition
Communication is the exchange of ideas, thoughts and feelings between two or more people.
It is a bilateral process, a circuit in which two or more people interact and interrelate through a set of conventional signs or symbols, both known.
ementos that integrate communication
• Message
• Message source
• Communication channel
• Receiver
2-The Difference between Communication
Difference between information and communication
Informar.- Es transmitir ideas en un sólo sentido, es decir, de manera unilateral. El emisor transmite un mensaje al receptor, sin esperar reacción o respuesta.
Comunicarse.- Es un proceso mediante el cual dos personas se ponen en contacto, intercambiando ideas, de una manera bilateral.
Importance of information in corporations
Organizations can not exist without communication, because it is required to agree on the work that is going to be done and to exchange instructions that allow for the correct accomplishment of goals and objectives.
Leaders and administrators require communication to coordinate the work of their subordinates.
Decision-making in a group requires an indispensable way of communication, without it, exchange and the contribution of ideas would not be feasible,
Definition of information
Information is a set of meaningful and relevant data describing events or entities.
The importance of information at an individual
La importancia de la información radica por una parte en que todo individuo o grupo humano está en capacidad de producirla, usarla y comunicarla, y de otra, en que es un recurso necesario para todos los procesos sociales, sobresaliendo los siguientes usos:
• To know what, why, and how to be, do and have.
• To achieve identity, autonomy and independence.
• To give answers.
• For taking decisions.
• To comuni
• To increase certainty.
3-The Great Range of Conceptions
Types of communication
• La comunicación es una doble vía, por la que se transita en ambas direcciones.
• La comunicación es la transferencia de la información y la comprensión resultante entre dos personas.
• Es una manera de entrar en contacto con los demás, sin la comunicación no existirían las relaciones humanas.
• Es a través de la comunicación que conocemos a las demás personas, sus ideas, sus sentimientos, sus valores, hechos y pensamientos.
Fundamentals of communication
Algunos principios generales de la comunicación
• Como hecho informativo, es compleja y amplia y afecta varias dimensiones de la realidad
• Involucra signos y códigos.
• Estos signos y códigos que dan la significación necesaria para la comunicación,
• corresponden a formas sociales de producción y reproducción colectiva.
• Sin la comunicación, la cultura no se puede producir ni reproducir.
Ways of communication
Expositive Text Technical Text Narrative Text Journalistic Text The story
The article Critics Interviews
Forms of expression
Way to Organize
a text
Problem - Solution Hypothesis - Conclusion Thesis - Demonstration Written expression
Expression form
The Description The Narration Essay Contract Report Argumentation Speech
Written expression
Summary Summary Letter Letter
The Chronicle Summary Table V Heuristic Conceptual Map
Mnemonic Records
4-The ability to understand and criticize the advantages and disadvantages of different conceptions of communication
Efficient communication
Benefits of efficient communication:
Infuses clarity in the purpose of the organization
Consistently supports the action of leadership Enables effective interpersonal relationships Generates communication interfaces
responsibilities and communication practices. Supports the production system and procedures.
Integrate priority areas of the organization. Generates cohesion in the work team.
Development of communication skills.
Communication in groups
The human communication: word, language, contributes to
1 - Concrete messages
2 - Production of long meaningful chains
3 - Expansion of the thematic spectrum of communication
5 - It allows the highest degree of accuracy in the information exchange
6 - Allows social organization, thought, inference, creation, colonization,
Principle of organizational communication
They are the practices and means of communication as instruments to support the achievement of objectives. We understand the exercise of communication as clear strategies to increase productivity and quality in organizations.
Internal Communication
it must motivate its personnel using different forms of communication, among which are prizes, newsletters, meetings, telephone calls and formal and informal analysis sessions.
External communication seeks the consumer to inform him of the existence of his product or service and to explain why he should buy.
5-The difference between communication, history and culture
The approaches of De Quincy, Nietzsche 81
Gianni Vattimo, also a philosopher inscribed in the territoriality of the criticism of traditional paradigms for the production of knowledge,
He bases his discourse on the approaches of Nietzsche and Heidegger to support a critique of the idea of truth in the field of science.
The approaches of Bajtin, Nietzsche 82
who "looked for the man with a lamp" in broad daylight, already announcing "the death of man", that "bipedal animal implume" of which Plato spoke and which Diogenes said he could not find anywhere.
The approaches of Locke 80
he is one of the fathers of English Empiricism, as well as a thinker of modern liberalism, which bases his philosophical search on the concerns that had already been presented in the proposal of Descartes, specifically with regard to the limits of human knowledge
The approaches of Martín-Barbero and Baudrillard, among others. 83
The philosopher, already in Greece, where philosophy is born, is represented by the great figure of Socrates, who defends the dignity of philosophy against the fearsome and subtle arguments (verbal floripondios) of the sophists.