Semantic classification of adverbial clauses
concessive 💁🏽 (=přípustkové)
- (although, though, while, whereas, even if)
- While I don't want to make a fuss, i feel I must protest...
- verb-less: Whatever the reason,...
- asyndetic: Try as I may, I couldn't succeed.
conditional-concessive (=podmínkovo-přípustkové)
- alternative: (either-or, whether-or)
- 2 alternatives
- He is getting married, whether or not he find a job
- universal: (wh-ever: whatever, however,..)
- infinite number of open options
- Don't let them in, whoever they are.
conditional ‼ (=vlastně kondicionály)
- (if, given (that), on condition (that), provided that, providing (that, supposing (that), unless, in case)
- open: If anything occurs, I will let you know. (=1st cond)
- hypothetical: If he changed his mind, we would go for a trip) (=2nd, 3rd)
- rhetorical: If you believe that, you will believe anything.
temporal 🕔
- (after, as, before, once, since)
- Buy you ticket as soon as you reach the station
- He reagerded me for a full three seconds before he answered my question.
- Art is no longer art once it becomes boring.
- simultaneous action (while), subsequent (after), previous action (before)
10, 11, 12
13, 14, 15, 16
locative 🏞
- (relative pronouns: where, whereever, wither, whence)
- Whence I looked there was a fine view
- Where grown, the oranges are ripe.
- I had to go wherever I found a job.
6, 7, 8, 9
- (whereas, while, whilst)
- She plays the guitar, while he plays the clarinet.
- parallel structures
- (but that, except that, excepting, only, save)
- *I'd pay you now except that I have no money.
reason, cause
- (because, since, as, for, seeing that)
- As Jane was the eldest, she looked after the others.
- (in order to, so as to, in order that, so that)
- prospective, future oriented
- The school closes earlier so that the children can get home before dark.
accompanying circumstances
- Without calling again and again,...
instrument 🎻 (=prostředková)
- (by, in such way that)
- Life can be studied in such a way that we study primitive forms.
comment clause
- (as)
- common in speech; disjuncts
- As you know, she is in a family way.
- (rather than, sooner than)
- Rather than go by air, I'd take the slowest train
manner/ similarity and comp/ comparative
- (like, as, as if, as though)
- Her voice broke as if she was going to cry.
effect, result
- (so, so that)
- action that took place already
- We took no notice of him, so that he flew into a rage.
- (as (, the...the)
- The larger the house, the greater its value