Vocalisation and Call Activity Pattern of the Blue-Eared Barbet (Megalaina australis) in Kubah National Park, Sarawak (Manjaji, C., 2017)
Abstract (4%)
Group members:
Introduction 2%
Materials and Methods 3%
Literature review 3%
Discussion 25%
References 2%
Conclusion 8%
Nor Shazfyka bt Mohd Sharif 58907
Marcellinus Isaac Stia bin Dominic 58695
Adiqathul Azril bin Nurdin 58392
Standley Bawin Anak Bunsi 59205
Siti Azyyati Nuraini bt Mohamed Azizi 59181
Teo Su Yee 58130
Ana Sabrina bt Yusop 58458
Aufa Syazana bt Ahmad 58492
Good use of citations but minimal integration of findings with the current literature
back up most interpretation with valid results, does not claim findings that are not evident from the data
There are limitations mentioned but does not offer any solutions
Only two limitations was discussed
clearly understands the data and their implication
some sentences have grammatical error
does not discuss on the correlation of weather parameters and call frequency as mentioned in part result (why frequency of call highest when rainfall was highest?)
There is final comment of suggestion which include the improvements and future directions that can be made.
The structure provided does not persuasively imply final comment or judgement in the writing
The section covered in the whole writing is not adequate in terms of summarize version of the topic
The section lack of reiterates of most important evidence which supporting the arguments
Part 2.2: Good as the importance of vocalisation study being included. Other research evidence also included to support statement.
Part 2.3: The songs and calls of birds also the behaviour stated clearly.
Part 2.1: Writing is good. Describing the taxonomic, behaviour, morphology and the Asian Barbets vocal and calling behaviour precisely. Diversity of Asian Barbet at the research site also included.
Part 2.4: Lack of other study research and findings. Research study referred quite latest which is on 2013.
- More research and finding about the same study at the same area can be included if available.
- The knowledge gap is not too big as there are some latest reference and citation used.
- The writing are more specific than introduction.
- Language and sentences used is understandable for readers.
- Lack of detail explanation
Wrong APA format in writing the reference; the name of authors that is more than one individual should be written with the symbol '&' not 'and'
Wrong way of writing reference from journal article; the name of journal is not italicized and the symbol ';' should be replaced with the symbol ','
The sources are reliable
Proper citation
Consistent mistakes in writing reference using APA format
click to edit
- No details on the goals of research and the challenges that may face to achieving these goal
- No scale provide on the table
- For word figure in table need in italics
used the words in title as keywords
No brief explanation on results
The conclusion is not a repetitive summary which will reduces the argument impact that developed in the writing
The IUCN is wrongly type
The intoduction is very short.
The sampling site of this thesis is not described.
This thesis did not described more on taxonomic classification of Blur-Eared Barbet.
The call activity pattern of this thesis are not described specifically.
Execution of Procedures 7%
Data Presentation 6%
Handling of Data 6%
Data is organised but only some data is connected to objective.
Data collection procedures are good
Data quality are good as well
Acceptable figures shown, with slight mistake in format
Figures are clearly represented
Overall Gred: 66% (B-)