Name: Jody Russell
Title: Fractured Promises Mindmap
Principle: Equality
Principle: Liberty
Principle: Justice
Principle: Moral and Religious ideals
Example 1: Quote from Frederick Douglass "Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass": "We were all ranked together at the valuation. Men and women, old and young, married and single, were ranked with horses, sheep, and swine. There were horses and men, cattle and women, pigs and children, all holding the same rank in the scale of being, and were all subjected to the same narrow examination. Silvery-headed age and sprightly youth, maids and matrons, had to undergo the same indelicate inspection".
Analysis of Quote: When talking about Harriet I feel as she represents the principle of justice quite perfectly. In this quote she has the desire to change the matters of equality as a whole and wants justice served for those that couldn't fight for their self. "Stowes knew the racial equality require more than legislation", when talking about this part of the quote she knew that justice couldn't be the only answer to her success at making equality happen for each race.
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Contemporary Text: Micheal Jackson's "Black or White" " And I told about equality an its true either you're wrong or you're right".
Analysis of passage: Here Douglass"'s description clearly shows the ranking of valuation. He's making this description clear to fully emphasis on the the treating of slavery as a whole. It strictly shows the immoral dehumanizing imagery that one may have not experienced, but can understand the horrific events that took place to those that lived through it.
Example 2: Quote from "What can Frederick Douglass teach us about civic education": To use his own words, further, he said, 'If you give a nigger an inch, he will take an ell. A nigger should know nothing but to obey his master- to so as he is told to do".
Analysis of contemporary text: Micheal Jackson's song basically points about that " When it comes to equality you're either wrong or right" I really took a liking to this. Mainly because there is always going to be a wrong or right in every situation. He also goes into talk about how it doesn't matter if you're black or white. This went right along with what I was talking about. It shouldn't matter the color of our skin to decided if we should be equal.
Analysis of passage: Wen reading over this passage it stood out to me the most because of just how unequally treated the slaves were treated. Not only being a slave, but even being a man of color was an issue of superiority. When it was stated "If you give a nigger an inch, he will take an ell". I feel as if this is shown as a threat to the whites, because I feel at this point in time whited were threatened by the extraordinary talent and drive that they had to live on a daily bases just to meet the accommodations of the whites.
Analysis of Contemporary text: When listening to Aretha's song "Respect" it's about the concept of respect. During this time slaves, blacks or even women weren't treated fairly of with respect. There weren't credited the amount of respect that they truly deserved. Even though many of their lived were on the line they still did what was asked of them because they knew better. This song went perfect with what people should be shown daily.
Contemporary Text: Aretha Franklin's song "Respect"
" All I'm askin', Is for a little respect"
Assessment of American Progress: In many ways American has progressed in treated blacks, and women they way they deserve and should be treated. Many in which are stated in our countries 19th amendment. However, even though women and black were treated differently then we still seem to struggle with treating them equally I feel. Women I feel are still looked down upon because men are suppose to be the masculine of the sexes. And in regards to blacks what has happened in history is never spoken of unless on is sitting in a history class. So, I feel as if we've grown, however I think we still need to grow more in which these things aren't an issue any longer.
Example 1: Quote from Harriet Beecher Stow Center "The Beechers and the Stowes knew that racial equality required more than legislation; it also required education. Stowe’s brother Charles Beecher (1815-1900) opened a Florida school to teach emancipated people and he had urged Calvin and Harriet Stowe to join him".
Contemporary Text: J.Cole's song "Be Free".
"All we wanna do is take the chains off, All we wanna do is break the chains off , All we wanna so is be free"
Analysis is of the contemporary text: When listening to J Cole's song "Be Free" is brings the meaning of justice to mind for me. "All we wanna do is free" Harriet wanted just this for everyone. She wanted to break free the burdens and troubles that this before her and after her had faced or was soon to face. There truly is nothing like being free.
Example 2: Quote from Harriet Beechler Stowe "Uncle Tom's Cabin" "Tom is ordered by his owner, Simon Legree, to whip another slave named Lucy. Lucy has not been able to pick enough cotton, so Tom has been putting some of his cotton into Lucy's basket. Two other slaves inform Legree about this & Legree orders Tom to whip Lucy. Tom refuses & is punished for his refusal".
Example 1:Quote From Frederick Douglass "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass" "In coming to a fixed determination to run away, we did more than Patrick Henry, when he resolved upon liberty or death. With us it was a doubtful liberty at most, and almost certain death if we failed. For my part, I should prefer death to hopeless bondage.".
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Analysis of quote: When talking about "Uncle Tom's Cabin, Tom shows justice for the slaves by choosing not to whip Lucy. Instead he chose to refuse and chose to face the consequences. He took as stand a chose to be better than what he had been taught. He knew that people don't deserve to teated in such manor.
Contemporary Text: John Legend 's song "Glory"
"One day when the glory comes it will be ours"
Contemporary analysis : When listening to this song by John Legend it represents what is soon to be in store for us. It states that "One day glory will be ours" meaning just as Tom did in the quote someone will stand up for what's right and whats wrong again just as Harriet did. The truth will stand forever and the stories and troubles of those before us deserve to be told and learned from.
Assessment of American Progress: When talking about the principle justice, I would definitely have to say that over the years justice has been made. Through the many leaders we've had and along with the many principles given to us to live by. Going back to chapter 13 living by the 5 I's really does given one a certain perspective. I do feel as if justice will contain to fight on because of those before us and those in the near future.
Analysis of Quote: When talking about the life if Frederick Douglass he goes into great detail however, he states in his narrative that he would rather die for what he believed in rather than not for something he didn't . Douglass represented what true Liberty stands for. He believed in the meaning of freedom in which had nothing to do with the way he was living. He believed that life could be great.
Contemporary Text: Kid Rock's song "Born Free"
"I was born free , you can't keep no chains on me"
Contemporary analysis : When talking about Kid Rock's song "Born Free", I think it matched perfectly with how Douglass felt. Douglass knew that life had more meaning than being a slave. He wanted to know what life had in store for him as well as others in which he tried escaping his rom his owner and soon succeeded .
Example 2: Quote from Frederick Douglass "What to the Salve is the 4th of July" "I will, in the name of humanity which is outraged, in the name of liberty which is fettered, in the name of the Constitution and the Bible which are disregarded and trampled upon, dare to call in question and to denounce, with all the emphasis I can command, everything that serves to perpetuate slavery-the great sin and shame of America! "I will not equivocate, I will not excuse"; I will use the severest language I can command; and yet not one word shall escape me that any man, whose judgment is not blinded by prejudice, shall not confess to be right and just".
Analysis of Quote: This quote recognizes the speech in which Douglass made in remembrance of what the 4th of July means to slaves. To us the 4th of July is a time to celebrate our freedom and those that have fought to make out freedom possible. To slaves the 4th of July has a greater meaning as Douglass states. Its's a symbolic point in history to them in which allows them to mark their forever freedom and escape their horrific past.
Contemporary Text: MKTO song "American Dream"
"What ever happened to the American Dream"
Analysis of Contemporary text: When listening to "American Dream" by MKTO, it gives a greater insight to this quote that Douglass provides us with. Although we may never know what it was like for slaves, we however have the opportunity to live our lives free. When listening to this song it makes one think about what exactly are we doing with this freedom that we are so graciously thankful for, but take advantage of daily.
Assessment of American Progress: When talking about the ideal of Liberty it automatically brings me to think of the ideals of John Smith and John Winthrop. Two of which represented Liberty in an up most way. In today's time I do feel as if we do take advantage of the freedom that we have and the love that we are able to experience for our country that someone once wasn't able to. Our countries Liberty has more definitely grown strong than before and with great leadership I believe it will continue to grow.
Example 1: Quote from Emily Dickinson's Poetry "My had stood- a Loaded Gun (764)"
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And now We roam in Sovreign Woods -
And now We hunt the Doe -
And every time I speak for Him
The Mountains straight reply -
And do I smile, such cordial light
Opon the Valley glow -
It is as a Vesuvian face
Had let it’s pleasure through -
Analyzing Quote: When Talking about this poem by Emily Dickinson, she goes into great detail about "him" I take this as she is referring to God. She is looking up God to see the glory in life rather than the negative. "The maintain straight reply" I feel as if she is meaning the she is speaking to God and speaking answers through the beauty of his nature.
Contemporary Text :Gloria Gaynor's song " I will survive"
"I will survive and I learned how to get along"
Analysis of Contemporary song: Went talking about " I will survive" by Gloria Gaynor, I feel as if this song goes right along in a way with what Emily is saying. We survive through him and the beauty in life is right in front of out eyes. We can do all things through him in which he strengthens us. We will service no matter what we go through in life.
Example 2: Quote from A Contemporary Context "What kinds of times these are"
Assessment of American Progress:I feel as if this goes back to the puritans believes in a way. They lived strictly by morals and believed that God was the way. I think in today's time we still do have the same concepts and try to live by what is morally right.
And I won't tell you where it is, so why do I tell you
anything? Because you still listen, because in times like these
to have you listen at all, it's necessary
to talk about trees.
Analysis Quote: I feel as if this quote talks about some of the belief systems in a way again. We tell God about our problems even though sometimes we think he isn't listening. In some ways we talking to him because we think no one else will listen to us.
Contemporary Text: R. Kelly's song I believe I can fly
If I can see it, then I can do it
If I just believe it, there's nothing to it
I believe I can fly.
Analysis of Contemporary text: