Protein Synthesis and Mutation
Protein Synthesis 🚩
Translation:- happens on a ribosome and produces a protein
Transcription:-happens in the nucleus, uses DNA sequence to make an RNA molecule- Rna then leaves the nucleus and goes to the cytoplasm
Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
Deals with the detailed residue-by-residue transfer of sequence info( ⭐ DNA makes RNA make protein)
- describes the fundamental process that makes us different
- we all have the same genes and proteins but ⭐ different alleles of genes and our proteins are different in how they work (protein collagen found in bones)
Alleles: make us unique- particle version of genetic instruction- small difference in DNA sequence of different alleles that is translated into small differences in the mRNA molecule- mRNA are translated into proteins- small difference in order of amino acids make us different
Transfer of Sequence Information
Linear Polymers: comprise DNA,RNA, and amino acids
- each monomer(nucleotide/amino acids) is connected to 2 monomers- sequence of monomers encodes genetic information
- polymers(DNA/RNA) sequence used as template for the construction of another polymer with a sequence dependent on the og polymer's sequence
- DNA sequence used to encode RNA and the RNA encode protein
3 Biopolymers
- Three special transfers
- Three unknown transfers
- Three general transfers
all three general transfers occur normally in cells, describe the normal flow of biological information, and are known to occur under special conditions(three unkown are not believed to occur)
Gene: section of DNA containing info for a specific trait