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Mvmnt Area (ALL) vs Manoeuvring Area (Taxi/Rwy) EX: Apron (PMC load/unload & parking) NOT Manoeuvring Area!!! Aeronautical Part = (airside) part of A/D incl. bldgs & facilities only not accessible w/o security control Controlled AeroD must have Control Tower w/ visual room + ATC service provided
EX: Element 1 = nbr (1-4) based on AC Ref fld length EX: Element 2 = letter (A – F) based on the AC wing span & Outer Main Gear Wheel span
When there is no Stpway or Clrwy & threshold is located at extremity of rwy
Area incl incl rwy + stpway, where obstacles kept to min. EX: Purpose = reduce risk of damage to AC running off rwy, & protect AC flying over during To/LND EX: Surface must be flush w/ runway, shoulder or stopway it abuts & no fixed objects except viz aids (PAPIs)
EX !!: Set aside in case an aeroplane UNDER SHOOTS OR OVERRUNS the end of the runway. EX: At least twice the width of rwy & extend from end rwy strip distance not less than 90m
Under authority control. Where AC can make initial climb to screen height EX: Not to exceed 50% TORA & at least 75m width either side of ctrline
Same width as rwy
In pre-threshold area of a precision app. rwy for CAT II/III Should extend b4 threshold @ least 300m & 60m from ctrline
EX: Purpose : to minimise r/w occupancy EX: preferably 30º (45º and not less than 25º)
C = 3m if wheelbase <18m ELSE 4.5m D = 4.5m
C = 15m if wheelbase <18m ELSE 18m D = 18m if outer main gear span <9m ELSE 23m
-100 m from any parking area, bldg, public area NOT over undergrd utilities
EX: For planning purposes, what info does pilot need in addition to Int. Aero Pkg? Maps & Charts
Ctns: Permanent info, info re: long duratn temp chgs (>3mths) DOES NOT ctn A/D OPERATIN minima which are defined by operator Prt 1: GEN Entry/transit/departure of pax, crew & cargo; a/c instruments, eqmnt & flight docs, Differences from ICAO SARPs, ICAO 4 letter Location indicators, AIS, Met Services; S&R, Aerodrome/heliport charges (!! NOT AD) Prt 2: ENR -General rules; VFR; IFR, Altimeter setting proc, Interception of civil a/c; Unlawful interference; Air traffic incidents, Air traffic services airspace, ATS routes, Min Flight Alt, Nav warnings: Prohibited/restricted/danger areas Prt 3: AD Refuelling facilities
Entry/transit/departure of pax, crew & cargo; a/c instruments, eqmnt & flight docs, Differences from ICAO SARPs, ICAO 4 letter Location indicators, AIS, Met Services; S&R, Aerodrome/heliport charges (!! NOT AD)
-General rules; VFR; IFR, Altimeter setting proc, Interception of civil a/c; Unlawful interference; Air traffic incidents, Air traffic services airspace, ATS routes, Min Flight Alt, Nav warnings: Prohibited/restricted/danger areas
Refuelling facilities
Temp chgs of long duration (>=3 months) & info of short duration containing EXTENSIV TEXT &/or GRAPHICS published as AIP Supplements (cos NOTAM ≠ maps/extensive text!) All checklists of AIP Supplements monthly
Temp/Short duratn Info When AIP amendment/supplment published except when includes for extensive text and/or graphics. EX: NOTAM shall be distributed on the basis of a request Chklists & Summaries MONTHLY
EX: Valid for 24hrs EX: SNOCLO = VOLMET!!!! (not SNowTAM) EX: LEARN TABLE (fav >=0.25:Poor) Pattern = 0.4 (5:Good) - 0.39 - 0.35 (3:Med) - 0.29 - 0.25(1:Poor)
Pattern = 0.4 (5:Good) - 0.39 - 0.35 (3:Med) - 0.29 - 0.25(1:Poor)
Learn table: Dry-> Damp (surfce shows chg of colour due to moisture)->Wet->Water patches->Flooded DAMP or WET assume acceptable rwy braking friction WATER PATCHES or FLOODED = aquaplanning Ex:A runway contaminated by snow, slush or ice shall be assessed & reported prior to being used by AC
new ASHTAM @ change in alert level RED (Ash >FL250) -> ORANGE (Ash <FL250)->Yellow(Active occasionally) ->Green (No activity)
Promulgate Aero info NOT FOR AIP or NOTAM i.e. long term forecasts of regs, laws, proceds OR explanation/advisory EX EVRY! PINK = Safety, YELLOW = Ops&ATS, WHITE=Admin EX EVRY! MAUVE = National rqmnts, GREEN = maps/charts EX: AIC Chklist YEARLY!!!! (not monthly!!)**. Pre-flight (PIB) 4 Flight Ops/Crews/Service Presence + depth of snow/ice/water Or rough area of man. area EX: Failure 2° power supply, any nav aids, etc EX: A recapitulation of NOTAM or other urgent info Post Flight State shall have proceds to take info from aircrews and disseminate
Radar Control = controlled en-route aircraft Approach Radar = arriving/departing AC Radar Vectoring = Nav. instructions PAR (Prescn App. Radar) & SRA (Surv. Radar App - non-prescn) = Instrument App. Systems
B4 any radr srv AC must be ID'd usually SSR but also.. Turn 30º or more from course & return +ve handover from controller who previously ID'd AC
Turn 30º or more from course & return +ve handover from controller who previously ID'd AC
EX: What does RADAR CONTACT signify? AC has been ID’d on radar AND instructions be provided til radar service is ends
AC has been ID’d on radar AND instructions be provided til radar service is ends
Given on Radar Ident. & on termination of srv
Used to achieve the criteria for the continuation of an instrument approach & avoid stuff On termination, pilot told “Resume own navigation” w/ AC posn & any instructns Mag hdgs + Cntrllr resp. for ground clearance Only in RVA. Obstacles marked on RVA chart AC will not be vectored closer to edge of RVA THAN GREATER OF 1/2 RADAR SEPARATION OR 2.5NM
EX: Closing Hdgs limited to 45° (or 30° Modes 1 & 2) Closing hdg maintained for not <1nm
If contact lost in last 2nm do missed app App. Ctrlr resp for: landing clearance, if not given by 2nm then missed app.
Distances and ADVISORY HEIGHTS passed Normal Radar Termination Range (RTR) 2nm but can be less If RTR = 2 – range & advisory heights every 1nm If RTR = 1 – range & advisory heights every ½nm Cntrllr resp. for landing clearances
"T/O immediate” = taxi & T/O w/o stopping A succeeding AC not cleared 4 TO til 1st has CROSSED UPWND THRESHOLD or STARTED TURN AWAY FROM RWY IFR arrival clearance norm = 4nm But no later than 2 nm ELSE missed app AC to confirm “vacated the runway”
EX: IS NOT clearance to land – its provisional clearance passing responsibility to pilot of 2nd AC Daylight, Rwy occupancy limit 50sec, visual on 2nd AC
Daylight, Rwy occupancy limit 50sec, visual on 2nd AC
B4 Taxi: QNH B4 TO: Significant chgs in wind conds, OAT, viz, RVR B4 App: QNH, wind
Provides ATC to controlled arriving/departing AC EX: On an app when do u transfer from app control to A/D control? In the vicinity of A/D If IMC or VMC can't be met **App. Ctrl resp for clearance for TO (normally A/D ctrl) & getting clrnce from A/D ctrl for IFR flight on Instru app.
In the vicinity of A/D
ATC advise if >30mins
IFR flight NOT cleared for initial app < min alt. unless pilot has visual on A/D for ALL THE APPROACH or on Visual App
IT IS PART OF AN INSTRU. APP!! NEED NOT BE VMC (Pilot report conds. allow viz landing and can see whole app) Requested by pilot or initiated by ATC (& agreed by pilot) EX: Separation provided by ATC between cleared AC & arriving/departing AC
Speed adjustments made intervals no more than 20kts & will b multiples of 10kts EX: No speed control applied after AC passed 4nm from touchdown
ATC can pass whole proced incl. MApp EXCEPT if Str8-In App then only FAT and MApp passed
If viz ref established ENTIRE PROCED MUST BE COMPLETED unless cleared for Viz App
EX: Approach Controller controls holding proced Vert. sep. minima btwn holding AC and en-route while en-route are within 5 minutes flying time of the holding area, unless lateral separation exists
A suitable point on approach (capable of being determined by the pilot - VOR radial, DME range) 2b set as a chkpt 4 timing of app EX: What action is reqd by ATC wrt timed approaches? A: to pass AC a specified pt at the previously notified time
EX!!: Applicable to ac subjected to a delay of 10 mins or more EX!!: Must be sent EXPEDITIOUSLY to ac expected to hold for 30 minutes or more (LOOK FOR EXPEDITIOUSLY!! otherwise 10min) Revised EAT sent when it differs 5 minutes or more from the previous EAT
On Final App: Significant chgs in mean surface wind direction & speed
EX: HWC =10kt , TWC = 2kts , XWC = 5kt
Provided in advisory airspace (Class F) Ensure separation of IFR traffic on an IFR FP Advisory Routes (ADRs) Clearances not issued ONLY ADVICE EX: All IFR flights must submit FP EX: IFR Flights are separated from each other
IFR and VFR permitted EX: Only participating IFR traffic receive advisory srv All flights receive FIS if requested
EX: If already getting radar srv & have been ID'd via SSR, selection an emergency SSR code in an emergency may delay help. In this case the allocated Mode A code should be kept
Contact ATC pn 121.5MHz Backup = inter-pilot freq 123.45MHz
ATCU will warn all AC in vicinity. AC will broadcast alt. at intervals EX!!: If u are told of an AC conducting Emergency Descnt what actions do you take? A: clear the area and standby for further instruct. from ATC
Not below 6000ft If in CAS – inform ATCU Clear of towns, best over water CB activity not reported or expected
EX/SF!!!: Strayed aircraft = one that has deviated significantly from its intended track or reports that it is lost Unidentified aircraft = is one of which the ATCU is aware but the identity is not known.
All IFR flights except in Class F airspace IFR & VFR in A,B,C IFR flight and SVFR
Controlled traffic to which ATC separation is applicable but to which in relation to another controlled flight, is not, or will not, be separated by the required minimum i.e. AC separated closer than min i.e LHR cos busy
Non-RVSM: 1000ft below FL290, 200ft above RVSM: 1000ft below FL410, 2000ft above (no VFR above FL290)
EX ALOT: An AC may be assigned a level previously occupied by another under normal conditions: As soon as the latter has reported vacating the level But w/ severe turb assignmnt withheld til AC has reported another level separated by reqd min
Requested by pilot agreed by 2nd pilot EX!!: Class D/E airspace only VMC, Day, <1000ft Alt instructns given by ATC to cover loss of VMC(pilot must inform ATC)
Horizontal separation is made up of: LATERAL and LONGITUDINAL separation Lateral Sep ( 15++ i.e. 15, 30,45) + always 15nm EX: VOR = Track divergence of 15°at 15 nm NDB = Track divergence of 30° @ 15 nm DR (Dead Reckonin) = Trk divergence of 45° @ 15 nm Longitudinal Sep (think 45° either side of N/S line) Can be based on time/dist/Mach Same trk = <45° or >315° Reciprocal = trks >135° but <225° and whose protection areas overlap EX: Crossing = trk intersect @ 045°-135° OR 225°-315° BEWARE Standard = Minimum !If they want “reduced” – they will write“reduced” in the Q!!
EX: VOR = Track divergence of 15°at 15 nm NDB = Track divergence of 30° @ 15 nm DR (Dead Reckonin) = Trk divergence of 45° @ 15 nm
Can be based on time/dist/Mach Same trk = <45° or >315° Reciprocal = trks >135° but <225° and whose protection areas overlap EX: Crossing = trk intersect @ 045°-135° OR 225°-315°
Same Track 15min STANDARD 10min RNAV Aid 5min A/D or RP (file spd 20kt faster) 3min A/D or RP (file spd 40kt faster) Crossing Track 15min STD - > 10min REDUCED Climb/Descend 15min STD 10min REDUCED(RNAV aids) 5 min if commenced with in 10 min of 2nd AC crossing a RP Reciprocal Trk Maintain vert. sep for 10min after AC estimated to pass Distance based DME - always 20 or 10!! Same Trk & Crossing Trk Standard (min) 20 nms Reduced (20 kts or faster) 10 nms Climbing or descending Standard (min) 10 nms Reciprocal Trk Positively established that a/c have passed each other and are at least: 10 nms apart. Distance based Mach number SAME MACH = 10 mins!!! **Remember it always added up to 11…except 0 which is 10 i.e. Mach Diff = 0.01, std sep = 10min, 0.03, std sep = 8min, etc...
15min STANDARD 10min RNAV Aid 5min A/D or RP (file spd 20kt faster) 3min A/D or RP (file spd 40kt faster)
15min STD - > 10min REDUCED
15min STD 10min REDUCED(RNAV aids) 5 min if commenced with in 10 min of 2nd AC crossing a RP
Maintain vert. sep for 10min after AC estimated to pass
Same Trk & Crossing Trk Standard (min) 20 nms Reduced (20 kts or faster) 10 nms Climbing or descending Standard (min) 10 nms Reciprocal Trk Positively established that a/c have passed each other and are at least: 10 nms apart.
Standard (min) 20 nms Reduced (20 kts or faster) 10 nms
Standard (min) 10 nms
Positively established that a/c have passed each other and are at least: 10 nms apart.
SAME MACH = 10 mins!!! **Remember it always added up to 11…except 0 which is 10 i.e. Mach Diff = 0.01, std sep = 10min, 0.03, std sep = 8min, etc...
EX ALWAYS!!! Separation always 150 kms (80 nms) - Except RNP10 = 50nm
EX: Standard (minimum) 5 NM