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HTML (Forms (Sending Data to Webserver (Validation (Types (Client (Built…
HTML Forms are the main point of interaction with a user and website - allow users to send data to a website
Forms are made up of widgets
- text field
- buttons
- radio buttons
- select boxes
- checkboxes
is a container element and supports some specific attributes
- action => defines url where form data should be sent
- method => defines which HTTP method to send data with POST
Key Tags
Input Field with Labels example:
<label for="name">Name</label>
<label for="mail">Email</label>
<input type="email" id="mail"
element => most important attribute is 'type' - defines the behaviour of the input
is an "empty" element (self-closing, can't have children)
- e.g
<input type="text" value="default val here" />
element is used to send the form data
<button type="submit">Send</button>
- Most important element for UX (user experience) of form
- To associate a lavel to an input use
and id
<label for="name">Name:</label>
<input type="text" id="name" name="user_name"/>
- Defines a form
- Can't nest form inside another form
- Can use form widgets outside form but must arrange data sending yourself
- Is a convenient way to create a group of widgets that share the same purpose - for styling purposes
- To label a fieldset element include a
element below the opening fieldset tag
describes the purpose of fieldset
<legend>Fruit Juice Size</legend>
(If have radio buttons - use fieldset)
Common Structures
- Common practice to wrap label in
or <p>
tag - also use <h1>
and <section>
Native Form Widgets
Many of the elements used to define form widgets have their own attributes - the ones however common to all are
- Form element the widget is associated with
- The value must be same as
attribute of <form>
=> default false
- Boolean value to indicate if user can interact with the element
- If attribute not specified it inherits value from containing element e.g.
- If no value specified in attribute - element is enabled
=> default false
- Boolean to indicates if element should have input focus automatically when page loads
Text Input Fields
Text <input>
are basic form widgets
- All have common behaviours
1) Can be marked readonly / disabled
2) Can have placeholder
3) Constrained in size and length
4) Benefit from spell checking
A Single line text field
<input type="text" />
- Constraint => if breaks in text - taken out on SEND
Email Address Field
tag with type "email"
- Add multiple attributes to add many comma seperated emails
Password Field
with type "password"
- This will obscure the value in the field
- Doesn't protect data on send - as its sent as plain-text (bad practice)
- To fix => send of HTTPS (encrypted)
Search Field
with type="search"
- Browser will style this - with rounded corners
- Also their values can be autocompleted across multiple pages of same site
Phone Number Field
with type = "tel"
- No constraints - applied universally
Multi-line Text Fields
- Also accepts "warp" attribute - "hard" or "soft" regarding the wrapping of the text
Drop-Down Content
2 Options
Add attribute selected
(no quotes) to option if want to be default
can be nested in <optgroup>
to create groups of options
<optgroup label="fruits">
If option is set with value
attribute - that element's value is submitted with forms
- If value is omitted then the content of
element is used
Auto-Complete Box
- Can provide suggested, auto-complete values for form widgets using
with some <option>
elements to specify
- Data is bound to text field (<input>) using list attribute
- Once data list is affiliated with a form widget -its options are used for autocomplete
is very new and has limited browser support
- Fallback for old browsers is
<datalist id="fruitlist">
Checkable Items
N.B All widgets that have "name" attribute get sent on submit - even if has no value
- For check items - only sent if it is checked
- Use
and <legend>
2 Types
Both pretty much the same
<button type="submit">
is the same as
- `<input type="submit">
Advanced Widgets
- Widget for numbers used with
and value="number"
- Created with
and type = "range"
- Its attributes can be
, and step
var beans = document.querySelector("#beans");
var count = document.querySelector(".beancount");
count.textContent = beans.values;
beans.oninput = function(){
count.textContent = beans.value;}
Date + Time Picker
=> e.g
<input type="datetime-local">
- Type can also be
or week
Set max and min:
- `<input type="date" max="2018-16-11" min="2017-06-01"/>
Other Widgets to know
Hidden Content
Can send data to server that is not displayed to user - add invisible elements to form
<input type="hidden" value="123"/>
Meters and Progress Bars
Use the <progress>
- e.g
<progress max="100" value="75">75/100</progress>
- If meter is in preferred range => bar is green
- If meter is in average range => bar is yellow
- If meter is in worst range => bar is red
min < - > low < - > high < - > max
- Optimum is in one of the 3 areas
Custom Form Widgets
Advanced => hard to do - much easier to use 3rd party
- Need Javascript to manipulate the DOM
- To manipulate the DOM - use JQuery => dedicated framework to manipulate DOM
Use Accessible Rich Internet Application (ARIA) to make custom widgets accessible
- Use
attribute to define what element is used for => use "role" for Javascript manipulation
Introduction and Basics
What is HTML?
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is not a programming language => is a markup language - used to tell a browser how to structure a web page
Series of elements - which you use to enclose, wrap or mark up different parts of content to appear in a different way
1st <p> is the "opening tag" and 2nd is called "closing tag" whilst the "Hello" in the middle is called the "content
:star: The whole code is called an element
Putting elements inside other elements (make sure nested closing tag always before main closing tag)
Block Vs Inline Elements
- form a visible block on the page
- appear on new line from whatever content before it
- Any content after it will be on newline
- They tend to be structural elements on page - <p>, lists, menus
- They shouldn't be nested in inline-element
- those contained in block elements and surround small part of content - not entire paragraphs
- won't cause a new line to appear
=> inline
Empty Elements
Some elements have a single tag (self-closing tag) - which means the element is embed something e.g. image tag is <img/>
Attributes contain information about element that you don't want to appear in the content
- gives a name to target with CSS styles
- attributes will be in the format
Boolean Attributes
=> attributes without values
e.g <input type="text"
=> the attribute is "disabled"
No matter how much whitespace you use the HTML parser reduces each one down to a single space when rendering the code
- Use whitespace for readability
Special Characters
, >
, "
, '
and &
are the special characters
Characters are part of HTML so can't use them in HTML document directly
= <
= >
= &
= "
= &apos
HTML is permissive - still runs after errors whether they are:
HTML method of defining info for column of data all in one place - <col>
and <colgroup>
elements are useful for styling
Adding Caption with <caption>
- To give a table a caption add the following:
<caption> Dinosaurs</caption>
Adding Structure
Scope attribute is added to <th>
tags to tell screenreaders what the header is a header for e.g. row/column
- Scope can also be
or rowgroup
=> headings for multiple columns or rows
Advanced Text Formats
- use
tags - to show quotes
- Inline quotations - use the
- Citations => use the
block - not used by browsers
Use <abbr>
e.g <abbr title="hyper text markup">HTML</abbr>
- Hover over it will show the title
tag for page author
Media Content
Alternative Text
Add alt
attribute for when if image can't load => good for SEO
CSS Background Image
Use CSS to embed images e.g
background-image: url(path/to/file) }
This is easier to position than html but only for decoration
Use <img>
tag to put image on a site
is an empty element - no closing tag and requires a src to point to image (Url or path)
Art Direction Problem => large pic on large device needs to be cropped for iPad and again for iPhone
Resolution Switching Problem => No need to embed large image if being viewed on tiny screen
- Raster image is a set number of pixels tall and wide and looks bad if width set too wide
- If width too low - waste of bandwidth - important on mobile
Resolution Switching
=> defines et of images we allow browser to choose between.
Syntax : <image> 480w
- image width in pixels
Sizes - sets screen media conditions and shows which image is best suited
<media condition> <width of the slot image will fill>
- If browser is 480px the 440px slot is chose so the 480.png is show as its closest to 440
Can also change resolution in srcset
with X descriptors
srcset="file.png 1.5x
file-480.png 2x
- In this situation the browser works out the best resolution
Resolution Switching => different sizes depending on the device - use new attributes on image tag with srcset and sizes
<img srcset="pic.png 320w,
pic480.png 480w"
sizes = "(max-wdith: 320px) 280px,
(max-width: 480px) 440px,
Art Direction
The Art Direction problem involves wanting to change the image displayed to suit different image display sizes
- Large shot will look good on desktop but bad on mobile
- Better to show cropped image
Use the <picture>
tag which fixes the problem
<source media="(max-width:799px)" srcset="small-file1.png">
<source media="(min-width:800px)" srcset="file1.png">
<img src="file1.png" alt="text"/>
- Source has media attribute that contains media condition - for viewport size
attributes contain path to image (can take multiple images)
- Must provide image
with src
and alt
or nothing will appear
Video + Audio
- tag allows to embed video very easily
<video src="/path/to/source"" controls>
- src => same as for image
- controls => include controls for audio + playback
- <p> tag => Fallback content if it doesn't work in the browser
In early days - the web couldn't do video in HTML - so had to use flash
- HTML5 now gives a native solution with
and <audio>
Supporting Formats
Browsers have different codecs which are used to convert compressed sound + video into binary digits and back (not all browsers have full support)
- To get around this take out
in <video>
tag and put in new source tag:
<video controls>
<source src = "file.mp4" type="video/mp4">
//type is MIME type
<source src = "file.webm" type="video/webm">
width height
=> can set video width and height but video will maintain aspect ratio - its native width/height
Same attributes as <video>
apart from
- no width/height attribute
- No poster attribute
For embedding other web pages - embed + object for embedding pdfs, svg and Flash
frameborder="0" //boolean for border
sandbox //heightened security
<p>Fallback Content</p>
History Overview
Was popular in the past to use frames
to create a website - small parts of a website stored in individual HTML pages
They were embedded on master document - called frameset
- which allowed you to specify the area on the screen that each frame filled
Led to Java Applets being used to embed rich content (video) on html via <object>
and <embed>
- out of fashion now
Embed Object Elements
General purpose for embedding external content that include Java plugins, flash and pdf
- Not in use anymore
- No more plugins - not everyone has them and not accessible