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Agriculture (In third world farming, they have to decide how to make money…
In third world farming, they have to decide how to make money efficently while still being aware of the best ways to make their products.
Way used to aid these smaller farmers are investments in technological innovations. Such as cheap solar-powered water pumps and giving farmers better access to the markets they sell to.
There are many different ways to do certain type of farming. Dairy farming can be in Pipeline barns or in fields where you manuallly milk them. It just depends on the space provided.
Agricultural farmers are 90 percent of the economy in the developing countries, which means this could lift these certain countries out of poverty.
All of the farming techniques are different because some of them are suited well for animals and some are better suited for crops due to conditions of where the farming is taking place.
Some problems that farmers in developing countries face all revolve around the fact that they're in a developing country and they don't have the right types of tools and amounts of resources to help them farm.
The lives of people, especially women, who work in agriculture vary significantly from developing countries to developed ones.
In developing countries, many women are paid on what are called "starvation wages" and if food is scarce, they often get the smallest portion. Along with working fields and other jobs, women in developing countries are also often the primary care takers for children and the elderly which demands even more from them.
In developed countries, women are paid at least minimum wage for their work, even if it is less than their male counterparts. While women in agriculture may still care for their elderly parents or young children, they are not required to be the primary caretaker due to more progressive thoughts in most of their societies. Children may be watched by a women's spouse or a daycare program and the elderly may go to nursing homes.
Fair Trade is a system that's proclaimed main purpose is to help increase trade conditions for producers in developing countries.
There a many different types of farming, however in farming sometimes the land becomes infertility. In order to do so farmers use the shifting cultivation to give the land to time recuperate. This allows food to be produce all year long.
Another form of farming is the pastoral nomads, which is
where nomads utilize herds of animals. However, these
animals that they heard do not give the nomads much food, but they give them warmth through clothes.
Intensive Wet Rice Dominant allows farmers to make a hole "paddy" . This is the form of farming where this is much land and
water used.
Intensive Wet Rice Not Dominant this is where the crops are rotated. This is bad for soil, but that is why they rotate the crops, however; it takes time for the solid and environment to become nutritious again.
Plantation is the commercial form of farming with more common technology and advancements. However, this machines that they use can be bad for the environment. With this advancements such as the chemicals and or other things they put on them they can attract pesticides, which might destroy a whole plantation.
Mixed Crop and Livestock are a form of farming where crop rotation is used and there are no fields left fallow. However, with so much livestock manure/ urine can ruin the soil.
Dairy Farming mechanized v. human power, which is where the cows must be milked 2 times a day with the machinery. Although this farming pollutes the environment with manure spills and improper handling of waste. Even so that they have contaminated waterways and aquifers in Wisconsin and the US.
Another farming method is grain farming where this is commercial v. substance, which this type is the largest commercial producer of grains and heavily mechanized farms. However, their is a lack of crop rotation in this form of farming and intensive irrigation, as well as dependence on mono cultures. Which has caused fungal pathogenic and human diseases.
Livestock Farming ( Ranching ): This farming method is like grain farming because they both use commercial v. substance. However, this is where animals are fattened at feed lot farms. This is where the overuse of antibiotics and the pollution causes air and water around the world.
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There is a major difference between the food choices of developed countries vs developing countries. Many food choices are based upon the resources available to them. Here are some examples:
The US consumes about 37% of sugars/fats in their overall diets. Compared to Vietnam's 10%, this is a major difference.
The UK consumes only about 26% of grains in their overall diet, while North Korea consumes 63% of grains in their diet.
This goes to show that developing countries usually eat more raw foods, such as grains and produce. Developed countries can usually splurge and eat more of the foods they want, without worrying about making sure they get the food they actually need.
Planet Food Game: One thing I learned from playing this game was that the food we eat comes from many places around the world. For example, I chose broccoli as one of my food choices on my plate. I learned that much of the broccoli we eat comes from Spain and France, among other places. This is very interesting, seeing as how food has to constantly be transported across the world for me to enjoy.
Urban Areas vs. Cropland on the different continents: Many LDC's have much more farmland compared to urban areas. This is because most of them make their money off of subsistence farming. For example, The US has a fairly large amount of farmland, but compared to the urban areas, it evens out. In Europe, the cropland heavily outweighs the urban areas. This is because most LDC's get their money from growing crops and selling them. MDC's usually have the resources available to buy the the things they need.
In order to obtain sustainable agriculture, it is necessary to make sure that your system is safe, fair, and efficient.
Safety is a necessity because if you do not have safe working and trading conditions than you will not have a proper work force.
Fairness in the system is also needed to make sure that the people working the system are given equal opportunity and are not being treated as second rate or expendable.
Then finally it is crucial that the parts of your system is able to work in a smooth, efficient manner. If the parts of your system do not flow together, if you are not able to keep your work force alive and healthy, or aren't able to import and export goods at the needed rate than your entire system will fail.
One thing I have learned from agricultural farming is that all countries aren't as lucky to have farming tools to do the work for them like we have in the United States.
Vertical farming is where you grow crops( plants ) produced in stack layers. They do this in environments where the land may not be suitable for plant growth. Yes, this can help with Agriculture because sooner or later the soil will end up drying and we are going to need a way to plant and grow crops. As well as, the air may be very polluted soon, so they will need a way to produce crops. .