Darwin's Theory of Evolution
Theory of Evolution
Darwin wrote "On the Origin of Species"
Darwin defined natural selection as when a species is preserved if they have useful factors
Darwin knew, from the writings of Malthus, that populations could produce far more offspring than the environment could support.
Fitness refers to the relative ability of an organism to survive and produce fertile offspring.
Variation increases the chance that at least some individuals will survive if the environment changes.
In Darwin’s theory of evolution meant that individuals vary and populations evolve.
natural selection is the process that results in living things with beneficial traits producing more offspring than others.
Darwin was a naturalist. He had to observe and collect specimens of plants, animals, rocks, and fossils.
no limits to what scientific investigation could uncover.
found that continents and oceans changed dramatically
HMS voyage for 5 years
Galapagos Islands
Influences on Darwin
Charles Lyell wrote "Principles of Geology"
"On Population" was written by Malthus
Theory of Inheritance of acquired characteristics = Lamarck
Malthus said there was a human struggle for existence, because of rapid population growth and limited food.
species are developed over a LONG time = Darwin's theory
artificial selection = humans breeding plants & animals