How Sound Travels Through The Ear images (8)

External Ear

3.Tympanic Membrane: Impulses from external ear move through the Tympanic Membrane (Ear Drum) to the Malleus.

2.External Acoustic Meatus: Ear Canal that carries sound to the Tympanic Membrane.

1.Auricle: Collects sound waves traveling through the air, directs them into the External Acoustic Meatus. images

Middle Ear

4.Malleus:Pushes sound through to the Incus. images (3)

5.Incus: Pushes sound through to the Stapes. 129e14671852ec634eba2cacba3e13_gallery

6.Stapes:Pushes Sound on through the Oval Window which is the start of the inner ear. images (4)

Inner Ear

7.Oval Window:Vibrations enter the Perilymph at the Oval Window.

8.Scala Vestibuli:Vibrations travel along the Scala Vestibuli. images (6)

9.Cochlear Duct: Vibrations enter the Endolymph of the Cochlear Duct.

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10.Cochlear Duct:Vibrations enter the endolmph of the Basilar Membrane.

11.Basilar Membrane:Vibrations move through the Basilar Membrane.

13.Scala Tympani: Vibrations enter the perilymph of the Scala Tympani and their forces dissipate into the air.

12.Organ of Corti:The hair cells convert vibrations into nerve impulses that are transmitted by the cochlear portion of the eight cranial nerve to the brain.

14.Round Window:Vibrations exit through the round window. images (7)