On 4 Nov 1995, rabin was shot dead by a Jewish extremist. It was national tragedy, as Rabin was popular. Peres, the successor, wasn't as popular, and lost the Labour Party in Israel the election. Hamas suicide attacks also increased, killing 59 in a month. This was proof that the agreements were failing, and Israeli troops invaded south Lebanon, again, on April 1996. 254 people were killed, half of which were civilians. 104 Lebanese were killed in one day (18 April) when Israel bombed a UN base in Tyre. This didn't help the situation however
The Labour Party lost the election and was replaced by Likud, a hardline party who had opposing intentions to the previous government. It expanded West Bank settlements, closed Palestinian offices in Jerusalem and announced no concessions with Syria over the Golan Heights. Israeli forces also remained in Hebron, opposing Oslo II
In Sept 1996, a tourist tunnel was opened near a mosque, deeply upsetting Palestinians, and caused violence to break out. Gun fights between Israeli and Palestinian police lasted 2 days between the 25th and 27th, killing 68 people. Spontaneous violence occurred throughout the rest of the next year, despite Israel almost fully pulling out of Hebron. However, Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem were announced, and responded to with a suicide attack by Hamas in July, killing 14
The agreements, it seemed, didn't have much of an affect on the situation