Heritage collections, health and welbeing 2018 FARO_cmyk


Preserved Heritage IMG_7385

Convent stuff and other things IMG_8262

Community museum IMG_0187

In the library Every story counts KleinRusland



IMG_0648 Training

ItineraNova Unchained crowdsourcing

Little docs, Big stories SB-0094

British-Flemish working group on the use of heritage collections for well-being and the development of a train-the-trainer werkgroep

Participation in cultural heritage for mental recovery. International conference 29 and 30/11/2018 in Ghent PCHMHR_logo_transp1


Evidence Based: each pilot is being evaluated using a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods Parapluutje

  1. Object storytelling for healthcare professionals
  1. Object handling
  1. Measure and evaluate interventions
  1. Asset based approach
  1. Heritage and Dementia
  1. How to create an autism friendly museum

Guiding and facilitating master thesis 'Impact of interventions with heritage objects on persons with dementia and their informal caregivers' by P. Van Pellicom, Master in Gerontology VUB

3rd Meeting International knowledge network, 28/11/2018 in Ghent DSC01056

Publication Cultural heritage for wellbeing (November 2018)CEvoorWelzijn_cover_a

Presentations and lecturesIMG_0203