Reflection: In my opinion, the biggest possibilities for DE are the incorporation of MOOCs into DE programs, improved equivalency, and continued technological advancements. MOOCs can have a viable future in DE and traditional college settings. MOOCs can be presented to potential students as a way to investigate their major or concentration, without the added cost of "trying out" a course. Initially, colleges and universities would lose some profits; however, this investment in student major and program satisfaction should help with overall retention. One MOOC course could spark a student's interest in a subject area they never considered. DE enrollment coaches and advisors could uses MOOCs as a tool to encourage and retain students who feel college may have been a mistake. Sometimes all a student needs is a point in the right direction. Also, transferMOOCs seem to be the most responsible option to present to students. At least the course material is vetted and has been applied to traditional learners. Also, I believe improved equivalency of DE to F2F traditional courses is possible. While researchers have said there is already equivalency, there is still an opportunity for growth to narrow the gap. I believe this possibly goes hand in hand with technological advancements. As companies like Blackboard, Cisco, and Adobe continue to tap into ways to create a better online learning experience, the distance between instructors and students will continue to decrease.