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Reproductive System (Female (breasts (breast tumors (signs and symptoms…
Reproductive System
Small and almond shaped and are attached to the uterus by ligaments
contains thousands of small sacs called follicles with each follicle containing an immature ovum (female sex cell
produces hormones that help in the development of the reproductive organs and give rise to the secondary sexual characteristics
fallopian tubes
two tubes that are 5 inches long and attached to the upper part of the uterus. The ends (lateral) are above the ovaries but are not connected to them
at the ends are fingerlike projections called fimbriae
the job is to serve as a passageway for the ovum as the ovum moves down toward the uterus. This is where fertilization takes place
hollow muscular organ that is pear shaped
job is the organ of menstruation, allows the development and growth of the fetus and contracts to aid in the expulsion of the fetus during birth
3 sections
fundus, body, cervix
fundus is the top portion
body is the middle section
narrow bottom section which attaches to vagina
3 layers
inner layer, middle layer, and outer layer
inner layer/endometrium has specialized epithelium which provides for implantation of the fertilized ovum and helps aid in the development of the growing fetus
middle layer/myometirum allows for the expansion of the uterus during pregnancy and contracts to expel baby
outer layer is perimetirum
muscular tube that connects the cervix of the uterus to the outside of the body
serves as a passageway for the menses, receives sperm, and semen from the males, and is the organ of copulation and acts as a birth canal
lined with a mucous membrane a with rugae (folds) that allows the vagina to expand for childbirth and intercourse
bartholin's gland
located on each side of the vaginal opening
Secretes mucus for lubrication for intercourse
collective name for the external genital area
labia majora
the two large folds of fatty tissue. Enclose and protect the vagina
labia minora
two smaller hairless folds , the area of the vulva located inside
contain lobes that are separated into sections by connective tissue and fatty tissue
also called mammary glands
have milk ducts
to secrete milk (lactate) after childbirth
breast tumors
signs and symptoms are a lump or a mass, a change in size or shape, discharge from the nipple
treatment is lumpectomy, simple mastectomy, or a radical mastectomy (removal of breast tissue, underlying muscles, and axillary lymph nodes)
mons pubis
the triangular pad of fat covered with hair
cervix/uterus cancer
most common cause is HPV
signs and symptoms of cervix cancer are abnormal vaginal discharge and bleeding
signs and symptoms of uterus cancer is uterine enlarges uterus, a watery discharge, and abnormal bleeding
treatment includes hysterectomy (uterus and cervix), or a panhysterectomy, chemo, radiation
prevent the infection caused by HPV
abnormal growth of the endometrial tissue outside the uterus
causes sterility if fallopian tubes become blocked
s/s are pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding, and dysmenorrhea
treatment is differ with age, pain medications and or surgery
ovarian cancer
s/s are vague discomfort in abdominal region, mild GI disturbances like constipation and or diarrhea, abdominal distention, and urinary frequency (3/4 of cases go undetected until it metastasized to abdomen)
treatment is surgical removal of all the reproductive organs, and affected lymph nodes, chemo and radiation
premenstrual syndrome
a group of symptoms that appear 3-14 days prior to menstruation
s/s are nervousness, irritability, depression, HA, edema, backache, constipation, abdominal bloating, food cravings, temporary weight gain and breast tenderness and enlargement
treatment includesrelieving symptoms and methods include, diet modifications, exercise, massage, light therapy, stress reduction, diuretics and analgesics
pelvic inflammatory disease
inflammation of the cervix, the endometrium, fallopian tubes, and at times the ovaries
caused by bacteria from a sexually transmitted infection, viruses, and fungi
s/s are pain in the lower abdomen, fever, and a purulent(pus) drainage (vaginal)
produce male sex cells (sperm) or spermatozoa in the seminiferous tubules that are in each testis) and hormones likes testosterone (helps the sperm mature and responsible for secondary male sex characteristics –body and facial hair, muscles and deep voice)
is the sac suspended between the two thighs and this is where the testes are housed
located outside of the body, the temperature is lower, which is a must for sperm production
this is where the sperm go after they develop in the seminiferous tubules. It is a tightly coiled tube that is approximately 20 feet long.
store sperm while they mature and become motile
produces a fluid that becomes part of the semen and connects with the next tube
vas deferens
receives sperm and fluid from the epididymis. It goes up into the abdominal cavity and curves behind the bladder and joins with the seminal vesicle
passageway and a temporary storage area for sperm
seminal vesicles
2 small pouch like tubes that have a glandular lining that produces a thick yellow fluid rich in sugar that provides nutrients for the sperm. This fluid is a large makeup of semen
ejaculatory ducts
2 short tubes that are formed from the union of the vas deferens and the seminal vesicles
carry sperm and fluids known collectively as semen through the prostate gland and into the urethra
prostate gland
a donut shaped gland that produces an alkaline secretion that increases the sperm motility and neutralizes the acidity in the vagina
cowper's gland
located under the prostate
secrete a mucus that serves as a lubricant for intercourse, and alkaline fluid which decreases the acidity of urine that resides in the urethra
carries both urine and semen
external male organ that is responsible for depositing semen in the vagina, and the elimination of urine
diseases and abnormal conditions
inflammation of the epididymis
caused by gonococcus, strep, or staph
if not treated can cause scarring and sterility
signs and symptoms include intense pain in the testes, swelling and fever
treatment includes antibiotics, cold applications, scrotal support, and pain medication
inflammation of the tests, usually caused by mumps, pathogens, or injury
signs and symptoms are swelling of the scrotum, pain, and fever
treatment includes antibiotics, antipyretics, scrotal support, and pain medication
way to prevent mumps vaccinations and using measures to prevent STDs
prostatic hypertrophy
enlargement of the prostate gland
signs and symptoms are difficulty in starting to urinate, frequent urination, nocturia, dribbling, UTI, and when the urethra is blocked urinary retention
treatments are fluid restriction, antibiotics, and prostatic massage, a prostatectomy, or a transurethral resection
prostate cancer
signs and symptoms are can have the same as prostatic hypertrophy
treatment includes prostatectomy, radiation, and estrogen therapy (decreases testosterone) are main treatments
testicular cancer
cancer of the testes
signs and symptoms include painless swelling of the testes, a heavy feeling, and an accumulation of fluid
treatment is an orchiectomy
self examination
After a warm shower, using both hands, each testicle should be examined separately by placing the index finger under the testicle and the thumbs on top. The testicle should be gently rolled between fingers to feel for lumps, nodules, or extreme tenderness. Look for signs of swelling or any change in appearance
diseases and abnormal conditions
caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
spread by sexual secretions or blood, and from an infected mother to her infant during pregnancy or childbirth
s/s are +blood test, lack of infection resistance, appetite loss, weight loss, recurrent fever, night sweats, skin rashes, diarrhea, fatigue and swollen lymph nodes
tx is no cure, trying to develop a vaccine. Take a drug cocktail (no cure) Prevention best method, should avoid multiple sex partners, not share needles for drug users, a condom and effective spermicide should be used to form a protective barrier during intercourse
caused by several strains of chlamydia organism
spread from mother to baby during childbirth, and can cause severe eye infections or pneumonia
s/s include (similar to gonorrhea) Males will have burning when urinating, and a mucoid discharge. Females frequently are asymptomatic, although some will have a discharge
if not treated, can cause PID and sterility in women
treatment includes antibiotics
caused by gonococcus bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae
s/s males have a greenish yellowish discharge, burning when urinating, sore throat, and swollen glands. Females, are usually asymptomatic but may experience dysuria, pain in the lower abdomen, and greenish -yellow vaginal discharge
tx is large doses of antibiotics
caused by herpes simplex virus type II
s/s burning sensation, fluid filled vesicles that rupture and form painful ulcers and painful urination
no cure
tx pain management and antiviral medication
public lice
spread sexually and can spread by contact with clothing, bed linen, or other items that contain lice
s/s intense itching and redness of the perineal area or to other areas that have hair like armpits, eyelashes
tx Topical lotions or creams are used to kill lice
caused by spirochete bacterium
antibiotics and can cure the first two stages
stage 2 s/s
(Occurs if chancre not treated) the organism enters the bloodstream and causes a rash that does not itch, a sore throat, fever, HA, malaise and swollen glands
primary stage
a painless chancre or sores appear on penis or vulva or cervix chancre heals within several weeks
primary stage
(years later) damage to heart and blood vessels, gait and paralysis, brain damage causes mental disorders, deafness and blindness damage is irreversible and death occurs
trichmonas vaginalis
caused by parasitic protozoan, Trichomonas vaginalis
s/s large amount of frothy, yellow green, foul smelling, discharge. Men may experience urethral itching
tx is may expel the parasite without treatment, otherwise Flagyl is used to treat. Both partners must be treated
although the anatomic part are different in male and female, they both have the same type of organs
consists of gonads and accessory organs
gonads are the sex glands (testes and ovaries)
accessory organs
ducts (tubes) that carry the sex cells and the secretions
function is to produce life