Ways to overcome hurdles,
that women face-training modules

Self-reflection and self-care

From media attention about sexual assault to an increased focus on the 33% of women who are illiterate, women’s empowerment in India is a growing national issue. One area in which India lags behind even its neighboring countries in South Asia is in women’s participation in the labor force: only 29% of Indian women work. link: https://www.medicamondiale.org/fileadmin/redaktion/5_Service/Mediathek/Dokumente/English/Manuals_Handbooks/medica_mondiale_Liberia_Training_Manual_advanced_level.pdf

Remembering names

Setting up group rules and fixing tasks

Getting to know each other

Presenting the objectives

Reflection on our experiences as women


Helpful behavior

Ability to feel with others

Gender awareness

Understanding gender-based violence

Domestic violence

Consequences of domestic violence on women, men and children

Learning to take care of myself while working on emotionally
demanding topics

The cycle of violence in intimate relationships

Rape / sexual violence

Myths about rape

Definition of rape and the Rape Bill of India

“Is this rape?”

Physical consequences of rape, and what needs to be done
from a medical perspective

Basic Helping Skills

Introduction to basic helping

Understanding basic helping skills

Introducing feedback rules

Practicing basic helping skills

Basics about crisis and trauma

Practicing basic helping steps

special needs in crisis and emergency situations

Facilitating change in communities

Why and how do people change their behaviors and attitudes?

Organizing for change in communities

Introduction for facilitators


Evaluating the different methods of raising awareness

How to organize an activity for behavior change in communities?

Working together in groups

Dealing with resistance in communities and looking for support

Confidentiality and consent (with some special implications for minors)

What is special when dealing with children?

Ethical principles and
guidelines of trained helpers and other staff members

Working on my own prejudices – establishing and nurturing
a non-judgmental attitude

What is informed consent?

Role Play

Recaps and Revision Schemes

Ask the participants the following two questions (which you will have prepared on newsprint


Role Play

Questions and answers by the participants

Question 1: What did you learn yesterday that was new to you?

Question 2: What did you learn yesterday that you are still struggling with?

share yourself – trainers also
learn something new every day – participants feel encouraged to share their difficulties.

Musical Chair (Games)

Right or wrong? Questiomaire - objective as a group exercise

Completing sentences

Interviewing each other

Participants as trainers

The recap game

Evaluation with smilies

Ranking exercise

Agree – Disagree – Not sure

Commenting on a role-play

What two things were done well?

What two things were done wrongly?

What topic is this role-play about?

Verification Games - Energisers

Two Truths and a Lie (Good for getting to know each other)

Everyone who is... (Good for getting to know each other)1

Follow the Leader

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