1536 - The Ten Articles stated that only three sacraments (penance, baptism and Eucharist) were necessary for salvation, praying to saints to forgive sins was rejected by confession was praised. This showed a mixture of Lutheran and Catholic influences
The first set of royal injunctions pronounced against superstitious beliefs on pilgrimages, relics and images, they also required the clergy to teach parishioners about the Ten Articles and to teach the Lord's Prayer, creed and commandments in English
1536-40 - Dissolution of the monasteries
1537 - The Bishops' Book restored the other four sacraments (though at a lower status)
1538 - The second set of royal injunctions ordered the removal of images, the continuance of baptisms, marriage and burials and the placing in churches of a large Bible in English
1539 - The first edition of the Great Bible, edited by Cranmer, was published by Coverdale, at H8's request. It was the first English Bible authorised for public use and was distributed to every church and chained to the pulpit
The Six Articles reasserted Catholic doctrine and transubstantiation
1543 - The King's Book revised the Bishop's Book - it was largely conservative, with some Protestant features
The Act for the Advancement of True Religion restricted to the public reading of the Bible to UC males