U3 Mind Map

The Brain

Neurons - a nerve cell

Nervous System - electrochemical communication network

Central Nervous System (CNS) - the brain and the spinal cord

Cerebral Cortex - a thin layer of neural cells outside the cerebrum to help process info

Dendrites - the "hairy" end, receives info

Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) - sensory neurons that connect the CNS to the rest of the body

Synapse - the meeting point between neurons

Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) - controls glands and muscles


Gene - a unit of heredity transferred from parent to offspring

Sympathetic Nervous System - excites the fight or flight

Action Potential - an electrical charge fired down the axon

Little Chemical Things

Limbic System - controls moods and drives

Parasympathetic Nervous System - calms like a paramedic would

Chromosomes - carries DNA

Myelin Sheath - insulates axons for a faster signal. If it degenerates, you get MS

Endocrine System - glands that secrete hormones into the blood

Somatic Nervous System (SNS) - controls skeletal muscles

Cell Body (Soma) - the body of the cell


Frontal Lobes - speaking, muscle movement, planning

Glial Cells - surround neurons and support and insulate them


PET Scan - uses radioactive glucose to show activity

EEG - brain waves measure by electrodes

Neurotransmitters - cross the synapse and make the brain do Stuff

Hormone - chemical messengers

Endorphins - response to pain, makes the "runners high"

MRI - uses magnetic fields to show soft tissue

Occipital Lobes - seeing

Parietal Lobes - sensory, body position

Temporal Lobes - hearing and speaking

Heritability - how much variation is between genes

Reflex - quick reaction

Brain Stem - where the spine comes up into the brain, automatic survival functions

Medulla - controls heartbeat and breathing

Pituitary Gland - the "master gland", influences growth

Amygdala - aggression and fear

Thalamus - relay center for sensory info

Hypothalamus - controls pituitary glands and sleep, temp, thirst, and hunger

Cerebellum - helps with balance

Hippocampus - processes memories

Axon - passes the message on

Interneurons - passes the message on

Adrenal Glands - glands that release epinephrine

Brain "Fixes"

Lesion - cutting out part of the brain to fix seizures or something similar

fMRI - magnetic fields seconds apart to see where the blood is and see functions


Reticular Formation - pain signals

Pons - basic functions like sleep and heartbeat

Resting Potential - electrical potential of a neuron

Midbrain - part of the brainstem

Types of Neurons

Motor Neurons - send instructions

Reuptake - the process of absorbing neurotransmitters back into the neuron

Receptors - able to pick up heat or light

Association Areas - brain areas not directly involved in sensory/motor

Identical Twins - twins that are identical

All-or-None Law - the strength of the response does not equal that of the stimulus

CT - x-rays that reveal brain damage

DNA - instructions for building

Fraternal Twins - not identical twins

Genotype - genetic constitution of an organism

Hindbrain - cerebellum, pons, and medulla

Acetylcholine - muscle action, learning, memory

Forebrain - cerebral hemispheres, thalamus, and hypothalamus

Motor Cortex - moving muscles

Sensory Cortex - responsible for 6 senses

Sensory Neurons - carry messages to the brain

Aphasia - loss of ability to express or understand speech

Broca's Area - speaking

Wernicke's Area - understanding speech

Plasticity - how easy it is to shape your brain (your neural connections)

Angular Gyrus - reading aloud, receives visual input and sends it to wernicke's area

Split Brain! - when the corpus callosum is severed and the two halves of the brain can't communicate with each other

Dual Processing - conscious and unconscious at the same time

Neurogenesis - the growth of nervous tissue

Corpus Callosum - the web between the two brain hemispheres

Cognitive Neuroscience - the study of the connections in the brain

Behavior Genetics - the study of pros and cons of genetic and environmental influences of behavior

Environment - non-genetic influences

Interaction - genes and experience depend on each other

Molecular Genetics - studies genes at a molecular level

Evolutionary Psychology - looks at how our ancestors influence us now

Natural Selection - survival of the fittest

Mutation - something going wrong with the DNA

Biopsychology - concerned with biologic aspects

Genome - complete instructions for an organism

Threshold - intensity that must be exceeded for a certain reaction

Nerve - sensation

Consciousness - awareness of ourselves and our environment