
Reproduction: This is the process of making offspring through asexual or sexual reproduction.

  Sexual reproduction requires two partners and allows the offspring to have variation which  may allow it to survive  diseases the parents couldn't.            

Natural SelectionI

Reproduction Cycle

Asexual reproduction is fast and only requires only one and it is fast and efficient. The offspring of the animal while be cloned and will have no variation.

the process by which organisms better suited to their environment are selected for and therefore tend to survive and produce more offspring (and those organisms least suited to the environment are selected against and are less likely to survive and reproduce).











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DNA is a ladder that is twisted that is called a double helix. The DNA is a code for the cell to function and is also passed onto the offspring.

The process of cell division for the production of gametes (egg & sperm)

The process of cell division for the production of body cells for growth/repair.

when the types of trait exist only in defined categories, like earlobes, they are either attached to the side of the face or hanging.

Mutation is the chance of having a new allele in the DNA therefore leading to a permanent change the body.

when there is a complete range in variation, from one extreme to another, like skin colour.

Part of the cell that contains chromosomes (control centre of the cell)

a section of DNA on a chromosome that codes for a particular protein – each specific protein codes for a specific characteristic/trait e.g. eye colour