Treaty of Versailles
(28th June 1919)

Britain: Llyod George

France: George Clemenceau



USA:Woodrow Wilson

Wanted trade

Not fully destroy Germany

Wanted peace

14 Points(Disarmament, self determination, peace, negotiation)

Wanted to crush Germany

Wanted strong border


Saar Coal field to France for 15 years

Rhineland demilitarized

Ban Anschuluss

German colonies=self determination


Ban conscription

100 000 soldiers

No aircraft

6 navy ships

War guilt

Pay 6.6 billion pounds of reparation

Rhur conflict

Kapp Putsch


Overthrow Weimar Republic and establish a right-wing autocratic government

Germany unable to pay reparation to France

France invades Rhur area and workers were on strike

Economy falling, industries cannot recover

Gov print more money but hyperinflation happens-cost goes up


Hated ToV as their pride crashed(army reduced) and unfair agreements


Strengthen democracy


The Fail of Big Three

Clemenceau: thought Tov wasn't harsh enough

Rhineland not independent, no full control of Saar land

Wilson: didn't achieve demilitarization/self-determination(B&F refused)

George: worried about the spread of communism

Other Treaties

Treaty of Neuilly(Bulgaria)

Treaty of Lausanne(Turkey)

Treaty of Sevres(Turkey)

Treaty of St.Germain(Austria)

1920 Sep 10 - 30 000 soldiers, no navy,
empire collapses and countries become self determinate(Czech,Poland)
Economy collapse-couldn't pay reparation
Forbidden to untie with Germany

Treaty of Trianon(Hungary)

1020 June 4 - Payment suspended, 35 000 soldiers, Romania/Czech/Yugoslavia lost, Empire collapsed

1920 Nov 27 - 10 million pounds, 20 000 soldiers, no airforce, cannot access to Mediterranean, territories lost

1923 July 24 - Kemel Attaturk rebelled and rejected the treaty and restored some Turkish land

1920 Aug 10 - Finances controlled by the allies, 50 000 soldiers, limited navy, no airforce, lost empires and lands to Italy, Bulgaria, and Greece

Fair of Unfair?



Reduced tension

Pay for damage

Germany couldn't develop

War guilt-Russia also involved