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Ops Procedures 1 (Air (IR) operations - Ch 3
In EU-OPS 1 (include ICAO…
Ops Procedures 1
Air (IR) operations - Ch 3
- In EU-OPS 1 (include ICAO SARPS - Anx 6)
- EU Commission Reg. 965/2012
- NAuth resp. for operator compliance
Method of carriage of Persons
- Only in parts of AC designed for ppl. unless tmp access by Cdr
Person with Reduced Mobility (PRMs)
- Oprtr needs proceds, Cdr must be told, PRMs cannot impede
Deportees/Persons in Custody/Inadmissible Pax
- Oprtr needs proceds to ensure safety
Stowage Baggage/Cargo
- Only hnd bgge that can be stowed securely in cabin
- Baggage chk reqd b4 TO & LD when seat belt signs on
Crew Responsibilities
- Must execute duty wrt safety of flight and pax
- Report any defects etc to Cdr
- No fly if: drugs, alcohol, sick, fatigued, scuba or blood donation unless reasonable time,
- No alcohol within 8hrs of duty/stdby. Limit = 0.2 promile
- Resp. for safety & conduct of flight, crew, pax, etc til walk off plane
- Legally resp. even if hvy/augmented crew UNLESS CEEDS COMMAND
- Disembark any person, cargo if potential hzrd (incl. drugged/drunk)
- Can refuse transport of inadmissible/deportees/custody
- Ensure all have emergency briefing
- Ensure all SOPs/Chklist, preflight followed
- Ensure no one tampers with FDR/CVR
- Decide if to accept CDL/MEL entries
- Can deviate from rules/Ops Proceds if safety
- Admission to Flight Deck
- No one except: crew, NAuth rep. Cdr has final say
- Crew Member Stations
- Mandatory @ TO/LD
- At least 1 qualified pilot at controls @ all times
- CabinCrew must be seated during critical phases
- EX EVERY!!! Flt Crew = Full 5pt harness reqd T/O & LD and whenever deemed necessary by the Cdr
- Safety belt (lap-strap) @ all times!!!
Docs to be carried
- CoR, CoA, AoC, Noise Cert. (incl. English translatn), AC radio licence, 3rd party liability insurance Certs
- EX: All flight crew have physical licence with correct ratings
Manuals to be carried
- Ops Manual parts A, B, (some Qs C)
- AC Flight manual
Info & forms to be carried - Electronic versions ok
- Operational FP, AC Tech log, Current maps/charts, M&B load sheet, NOTAMS/AIS breifings, Notification of special pax or DX goods (incl. written info for Cdr), any of state reqd docs (General declaration).
Info kept on Grnd
- Copy Operational FP, copy AC tech log, M&B load sheet, Special loads info, Company NOTAMS
Production of Doco & Recs
- Within 10 days NAuth must have access
- Operator retains originals for time even if ops cease
EX EVERY: Use of recordings
- CVR only 4 accident/incident investigation. Other only with all crew consent
- FDR recording only 4 accident/incident investigation OR airworthiness/maintenance, or if de-indentified/disclosed under secure proceds.
Journey Log - produced every flt
- AC reg, Date/Place Depart, Crew manifest, Place arrival, Time Depart (Off Block), Time Arrive (On Block), Hrs of flt, Nature of Flt, Incidents/Obsevtions, Cdr's Signature
AC Tech Log - operator must keep a TL with:
- Info re: each flight
- Current cert of release of service
- Current stmnt of AC maintenance status
- Outstding deferred defects rectifications that affect the optn of AC
1 Intro
- State or Civil - Procedures adopted will differ for both
- State = Fire, Police, military, Customs, etc...
- Civil
- If pilot paid (or consideration) = commercial ELSE private aka General Aviation (i.e. pleasure)
- 2 categories of Commercial:
- Scheduled Air Transport = moving Pax and/or cargo on a regular schedule
- Aerial Work = any other commercial that isn't scheduled
ICAO (Intnl Civil Aviation Org. - a UN org)
- 191 member states(MS's)
- 'Promote cooperation between the MS's so that international civil air transport can be made, safe, orderly & economical'
- Creates std set of regs for aviation, amended when needed
- Chicago convn(1944)
- 19 Annexes for tech & operatnl aspects of avtn
- Docs are source for NATIONAL AVTN LAW!
- Anx 6 - Operation of an AC (Part 1 Intl Commercial Air Tranport)
- Anx 17 - Security
- Anx 18 - Safe transport of dangerous goods by air
- Regional Supplementary Procs (Doc 7030)
- Stds & Recommended Practices (SARPS)
- ICAO Stds: Reqmts and specs that MUST be followed.
- Recommeded Pracs: Specs which CS's will 'ENDEAVOR' (EXAM) to adopt but don't have to be followed
- Differences
- CS must adopt Stds in their aviation law. They can make them more stringent but never less!
- Diffs promulgated in AIP ('Filing a Diff')
- National Civil Aviation Authorities ('The Authority')
- Each CS has their own i.e. CAA
- Ensure natnl stds conform to ICAO regs (can be more stringent)
JAA:Joint Avtn Authority: Standardise ops in Europe-> (Joint Avtn Regs) JAR-OPS but now obselete EASA:European Avtn Safety Agency
- Superseded JAA (2008)
- Legal Authority to instigate chgs to MS's regs
- European states no longer create legislation, they are responsible for compliance with EASA regs
- EU-OPS (used JAR-OPS as basis, updated then reissued)
- EU-OPS = Euro law for Commercial Air Transport
AC Registration: Only by EASA, even non-Euro AC need EASA doco for AC certification
- Must conform to CS25 (Large AC) or CS23 (light AC)
Euro Regs 216/2008
- EX: Regulation 965/2012 (London 2012) as amended (the air operations regulation)
- Anx 1 PART-DEF (Defns)
- Anx 2 PART-ARO (Authority rqmnts)
- Anx 3 PART-ORO (Org rqmnts)
- Anx 4 PART-CAT (Comm. Air Transport) - GOAI
- Subpart A: General Rqmnts
- Subpart B: Ops Procedures
- Subpart C: AC Perf and Operating Limitatns
- Subpart D: Instrument, Data and Eqmnt
- Anx 5 PART-SPA (Specific Approvals)
- ETOP, Dangerous Goods, RVSM, Low Viz Ops
2 Air Operator
Air Operator Certificate
AO Responsibilities
- Approved procds are followed by emps.
- Crew communicate in common language
- Crew must understand language of Ops Man.
- QA system in place (Compliance monitoring) to maintain and improve stds
- Accident prevention & Flight safety programme (Trend monitoring, analysis of incidents, Air Safety Rep(ASR) reporting)
- Maint. proc approved by NAuth
- Can use own maint. org or outsource BUT MUST HAVE PART-145 approval
- Maint. org will be inspected by NAuth.
- AC must have valid CoA
- EX: Anybody certifying an AC for continuing Airworthiness are working to PART - M
Air Operators Certificate
- Issued when all above ok
- EXAM: In order for the operator to retain the AOC regular re-inspections to retain it’s AOC (Oversight Cycle)
- EXAM: Validation will be proven by re-inspection every 24months (Oversight Cycle)
- EXAM: Exceptionally every 36 or 48 (This program is incentivised i.e. if your last inspections were perfect)
- Cert specifies:
- Name & place of business
- Date of iss. & validity
- Type of operations authorised
- Type and reg marks of AC authorised for use
- Authorised area of ops
- Special limits/auths (ETOPS, Cat III,..)
- EASA stds in EU(IR)-OPS, non-Euro MS follow ICAO
- Operator must be approved by Ntnl Authority, who follow EU-OPS with issue of Air Operators Certificate AoC
- Airline or Comm. Avtn needs AoC to become Air Operator
Air Operators Certificate
- NAuth must inspect premises, records, eqmnt & personnel
- Ops manual reqd: documented, well defined, compliant ops procedures in place. It's illegal to not follow these procedures!!
- Company structure
- Nominated Accountable Mgr (ensure ops are financed and conducted to reqd std, usually MD)
- 4 other roles need Mgrs (NOMINATED!!) - FMCG
- Flight Ops
- Maintenance
- Crew Training
- Ground Ops
- An individual may hold more than one post - subject to limits!!
- EXAM: 21+ employees in addition to Accountable Mgr = min of 2 persons reqd for 4 other roles
- EXAM: <21 employees in addition to Accountable Mgr = Actble Mgr can do 1 or more of other roles
Ops Manual
- Contain all instructions and info needed by ops ppl to operate correctly within the business
- Must be English UNLESS otherwise authorised
Ops Manual Structure(EXAM) - GART
- Part A: General/Basic - all ops POLICIES i.e. non-type specific
- Admin & control of Ops Man., Org and it's responsibilities, Op. Control and supervision, Quality system, Crew composition & qualifications, Crew health precautions, Flight time limits, Ops Proceds, Security, Dangerous Goods & weapons, Handling, notifying and reporting occurences, Rules of the Air
- Part B: Aeroplane Operating Matters (SOPs) - all type-specific stuff
- Gen. info & UoM, Limitations, Normal & Abnormal Proceds, Perf & Planning & M&B, QRH, MEL, SEPs, Emergency evac. proceds, AC systems
- Part C: Route & AeroD Instructions & info
- Info re: operating area of the company, Airport briefings, Categorisation of Aerodromes A,B or C, Detailed additional briefing where needed (i.e. Madeira)
- Part D: Training:
- Syllabus used, type ratings, proceds for training and checking, etc..
- EXAM: Which parts must be carried in flight?
Ops Manual distribution = all employees
- EX: All flight crew member must have a personal copy of Parts A and B
- EX: Which ones should be on the AC in flight? A, B and C
Quality System (Compliance)
- QA system reqd
- Monitor the proceds used & ensure follows safe operational practices (Flight data monitoring)
- Must include feedback system (no blame or ‘just’ culture)
Flight safety programme - trends
- To establish risk awareness for all personnel
- Must use an Occurrence Reporting Scheme
- For AC >27,000kg MTOM flight data monitoring is used.
- Establishing corrective actions based on gathered data
- Incident = An occurrence, other than an accident, which affects or could affect the safety of the operation
- Serious Incident = An incident where an accident nearly occurs
- Accident = occurrence in which a person is fatally or seriously injured as a result of:
-> Being in the AC
-> Being in contact with any part of the AC, incl. detached parts
-> Direct Exposure to jet blast
-> AC missing or completely inaccessible (under the sea)
Accident & incident reporting
- Cmdr must submit a report to Authority of any incident that endangered, could've endangered safety of optn.
- EX: It must be submitted within 72hrs of the incident or when the incident was identified
- Usually in the form of an ASR (Air Safety Report form) or MOR (Mandatory Occurrence Report)
- Also inform ATC of bird strikes, TCAS RA, dangerous goods spillage, poor ATC, hijack and hazardous conditions.
- Also submit AIRPROX and ASR
Defect Reporting
- Cmdr must report any suspected technical defects and any exceedances not the in AC tech log.
- EX: If it is a serious defect the operator must also inform:
-> The organisation responsible for the design or
-> The supplier
-> The Authority
EX: Leasing
- Why = Avoid buying AC, Rapid Expansion, Busy seasons, unscheduled serviceability failure
- Lessee = person/cmpy who by written agreement (lease) is given use of an AC, in rtn for fixed regular payment Lessor
- Lessor = person/cmpy which lets AC to Lessee in rtn for fixed regular payment
- Community Operators - companies established in EU
- Dry Lease = AC perated under AoC of lessee (no crew incl)
- Wet Lease = AC operated under AoC of lessor (wit crew)
- Dry/Wet Lease-In
- Any Comm. Oprtr can Dry/Wet Lease-In AC from another Comm.Oprtr
-If Non-CommOprtr = more checks & NAuth approval
- EX: You have to make sure that the requirement you’ve got cannot be satisfied by someone within the community
- EX: You can’t wet-lease in an AC (from a non-community op.) for longer than 7 months in each 12
- EX: BGS for lease Qs!!!
Flight Crew 4
Training - 3 type - Part D = full syllabus
- Initial (Cmpny) = Human Factors + CRM within 1yr
- Conversion & Checking
- Emergncy & Safety eqmnt train B4 flight training on AC (i.e. ditching)
- OPC (6mth/Sim)->LOFT(AC)->LPC (12mth/Sim)
- LPC: licence reqmnt, prove competent to fly AC - Valid 12mth + rest of month - Need OPC b4 can fly
- OPC: Can fly to operator std. - normal/abnormal/emergency proceds - done IFR
- Rejected TO, OEI (T/O, MAP, Lnd), precisn, non-precn
- Must be done by Type rating Examiner
- EX!!!!!I Can get issued 3mths b4 valid end date BUT still valid the normal 6mths from original end date = 9mths total
- Line Check: In AC incl. pre and post flight by Training Capt. - cannot fail purely on CRM
- EX:Pilots issued type/rate based on zero-time must start line training not later than 21 days after skills test
- Recurrent Training & checking
- 1/3 AC systems each yr, 1/3 CRM each yr, All WX ops b4 each winter (part of LPC)
- Tri-annual emergcy
- EX: DX goods training every 24mths
- Training Recs (3yrs - Part D) - must be available on request
- Recency
- Must be current on flown type
- EX: May be extended to max 120 days if flying under supervision of TYPE RATING EXAMINER
- EX: If engaged in single pilot operations under IFR at night, what are the recency reqmnts?
- At least 5 IFR flights, incl 3 Instr appchs during the preceding 90 days on the type of AC being used for single pilot role
- Familiarisation = Purely knowledge based if variants v. similar or chg in SOPs
- Differences = significant diff between variants OR chg eqpmnt and/or proceds on current type. Would involve SIM
- More than 1 type
- Reqd min exp. on 1 type b4 train 4 a new
- EX: When helicopters & AC, operator must ensureops limited to just one type of each
- RHS Check for captains done at LPC
- Crew Compositn: EX: IFR at night, needs at least 2 pilots for all turboprops with >9 pax seats and at least 2 for all turbojets)
- Inflight Relief - HVY/Augmented Crew = >2 crew
- Cdr can delegate conduct of flight to qualified Cdr, or for ops only above FL200, a qualified pilot holding ATPL
- Co-pilot relief above FL200, a qualified cruise relief co-pilot with CPL/IR
- Need reqd experience + Cdr course (Cmd OPC, EXAM: Line training with min 10 sectors if already type rated, line check + CRM)
6 Flight Duty Time
- State may impose Subpart Q, but others may follow variations from it
- Operator resp.
- Homebase nominated + duty rosters in advance so can plan rest
- Crew resp: Dont fly if fatigued, unfit, etc**
- Defns
- BLOCK TIME = From AC moving from parking for T/O til rest @ designated parking + engs/props stopped
- DUTY = Any task reqd linked with AoC holder
- DUTY PERIOD = start of duty til free from all duties
- FLIGHT DUTY PERIOD = any time u operate an AC as crew mbr. FDP Starts when report for flight or series of flights; finishes at end last flight where u are crew mbr (i.e. FDP ends at the “on blocks” time of the final flight of the duty day)
- HOMEBASE = location nominated by operator where CMbr normally starts & ends duty period(s). Operator not resp. for accommodation
- LOCAL DAY = 24hr period from 00:00 LT
- LOCAL NIGHT = 8hrs between 22:00 - 0800 LT
- POSITIONING = Transferring non-operating crew from place to place at request of operator excluding travelling time
- TRAVELLING TIME = time from home to designated reporting place & vice versa; time for local transfer from place of rest to start of duty & vice versa
- REST PERIOD = uninterrupted & defined time when free from all duties & airport standby
- STANDBY = crew reqd by operator to be available to receive assignment for flight/positioning/other duty without an intervening rest period
- EXAM EVERY!!!! Window of Circadian Low (WOCL) - period between 0200 and 0559hr. But NIGHT DUTY TIME = 0200-0459
- Within 3TZs WOCL refers to homebase time
- Beyond 3TZs WOCL refers to homebase time for first 48hrs after departure from home base TZ, and to local time thereafter
- Cumulative Duty Hrs Limits
- 190 duty hrs in any 28 consec days, spread as evenly as practicable throughout this period
- 60 duty hrs in any 7 consecutive days
- Limit on Total Block Times
- EX: 1000 block hours in any 12 consecu cal months
- 900 in cal yr
- 100 blk hrs in any 28 consec days
- Max Daily Flight Duty Period
- 13hrs; reduced by 30mins each sector FROM 3rd SECTOR on with max total reduction 2hrs
- If FDP ends in, or fully encompasses WOCL, max FDP stated above reduced by 50% of encroachment
- EXAM: EVRY: Extensions
- Max daily FDP can be extended by up to 1hr, except for a basic FDP of 6+ sectors, where extns not allowed
- Max 2 in any 7 consecutive days
- Unforeseen circumstances
- FDP and rest limits can be chgd BUT
- EX:Max FDP cannot be ⬆️ by more than 2hr unless augmented crew then 3hr
- If after TO in final sector flight may continue to the planned destination or alternate despite exceeding max
- Cdr always file report if FDP ⬆️ by his discretion
- Positioning:Time spent = duty
- Min Rest
- Min preceding rest period = at least preceding duty period or 12hrs (10hr if away from home) whichever is greater
- Airport Standby
- From time report @ normal report pt, til end of stdby period
- Counts in full in Cumulative duty periods
- EX: Must be followed by rest period even if did not fly
- Nutrition: meal & drink opp. esp. when FDP >6hrs
- Flight Duty & Rest Period Recs
- Everything recorded by operator and must be available on request
- Must present copies to new operator b4 starting flight duties
5 Cabin Crew
- Pax safety + Ensure emergency eqmnt ok b4 T/O (preflight checks)
- Explain & demo safety proceds & eqmnt
18yr old + medical + cert. of safety
- Cabin crew reqd for AC with >19 seats
- Min = 1 per 50 seats i.e. 151 = 4 CC OR nbr reqd for evac
- Can fly with less CC BUT reqd to reduce pax
- EX: Senior CC nominated, at leat 1yr exp. + Senior CC training
- Single CC Training
- Mgmnt of unruly pax, rvw operator & legal reqmnts, handling doco, Accident/Incident reporting, flight/duty limits
- Familiarisation training reqd with at least 20hrs &15 sectors under supervision
- Operating more than 1 type
8 Dangerous Goods
- Anx 18 -> ICAO Doc 9284, Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (TI)
- IR Ops Anx 5 - PART-SPA!
- Approval to transport DG from NAuthority
- Crew training valid 24mths (Recs kept 3yrs)
- Report incidents&accidents to ATC ASAP and to NAuth in 72hrs
- Acceptance CheckList = 4 checking the external appearance of pkgs of DG and associated doco to check that all appropriate rqmnts have been met
- UN Number = 4 digit Identifier for substance or group
- EX: Freight Container = container specially designed for transport of radioactive materials,
- Emergency response guide for FLIGHT CREW (RED), for CABIN CREW (BLUE)
- Forbidden DG = FORBIDDEN!!!!
- "Cargo Aircraft Only” sticker = cannot be put on pax AC
- Shipper responsible to ensure cargo flight ready: checking TIs, packaging, doco, etc
- NOTOC - Notice to Captain incl: Ship name, UN#, Haz Class, qty and location on AC, Radioactive cat. and Transport Indx
- Every Great Leader Should Own Toxic Radioactive Crazy Mice
- Explosive 2. Flam Gas 3. Flam Liquid 4. Flam solid
- 5.Oxidiser 6. Toxic 7. Radioactive 8. Corrosive 9. Misc